Chapter Seven

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Hiyoko's Pov:

I woke up to my alarm sound. I turned it off quickly and looked at the clock. It was 5:00am. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I walked out the bathroom with my robe on and went to my draw. I was deciding whether to wear my orange and green kimono or not. It was really hard to put on. But my grandmother said to keep on trying until I finally get it right. I grabbed the kimono put it on. I was trying to tie the green part of it, but it kept falling. My father showed me an easier way to do it, but I forgot. And it's not like her and my father are ever coming back to show me how. My grandmother wouldn't allow it. While I was trying to tie it together, I heard a knock at my door. I stomped over and opened it. Tsumiki was standing right in front of me. "What?!" I said aggravated. "H-Hello Miss Saionji." "Are you ready to go to  breakfast?" She said with that stupid smile of hers. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE DUMBASS?!" "OF COURSE IM NOT READY!" "NOW GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!" I yelled at her. "M-My apologises Miss Saionji." "I'll go wait downstairs near the breakfast room for you." She replied. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door in her face. I took the kimono off and threw it on the floor. I always liked wearing my kimono. So I was angry at myself that I couldn't put it on. I grabbed my white button up shirt and brown skirt and put that on instead. I hated wearing this. I thought it looked ugly on me. But I knew I had to since I couldn't wear anything else. Once I tried my red tie I left my room and headed towards the breakfast room. I saw Tsumiki standing right in front of the door. Walked towards her and sat on the ground. "When we get in there, follow me ok?" I said with a demanding voice. "Y-Yes Miss Saionji." She replied. We sat there for two hours until Ms. Usami came down and opened the doors for us. I was surprised that not many kids had came down for breakfast. "There you go." "I hope you two have an amazing first day of school." Ms. Usami said with a small smile. "Thank you Ms. Usami." I said giving her a small smile in return. Me and Tsumiki walked inside the breakfast room and walked up to the lunch line. "M-Miss Saionji?" Tsumiki asked with hesitation in her voice. "What?" I said. "D-Do you want me to help you with your kimono next time?" Because I saw- "I DON'T NEED YOUR DAMN HELP IDIOT!" "I MAY HAVE NEEDED YOUR HELP LAST TIME, "BUT I SURE AS HELL WON'T NEED IT AGAIN!" "IF YOU EVER ASK ME ABOUT MY KIMONO AGAIN I WILL BEAT YOU UP SO BADLY YOU'LL FORGET YOUR OWN NAME!" "GOT IT!?" I hollered in her face. I hated when people asked me if I needed help. Especially if it involves my kimono. "I-I APOLOGIZE MISS SAIONJI!" "PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME UP!" "I'LL NEVER ASK YOU ABOUT YOUR KIMONO AGAIN!" "I SWEAR!" She said. When I saw how scared she was I felt a little feeling of regret wash over me. She looked like she was about to cry. Which made me even more upset with myself. 'I've never felt bad about insulting her or anyone else before.' 'So why is it happening now?' I asked myself. But I brushed it off thinking it was nothing. "Ugh." "Come on let's just get our breakfast." I said. We both waited for the others students to get their breakfast. Once we got ours me and Tsumiki walked towards the back of the room where barely anyone sat at. Today for breakfast we had French Toast and scrambled eggs with milk. I began to feel a little bit better since I was having one of my favorite foods for breakfast. I even smiled to myself. "Is this your favorite food Miss Saionji." Tsumiki asked. She must've noticed my smile. "Yeah, what's it to you?" I said. "Nothing, I just noticed your smile. That's all." She said with a smile. Whenever she smiled she would give me butterflies in my stomach. At times I would even blush. And I wanted the feeling to go away. I hated having these feelings for someone who's so weak and useless. So I always told her to stop when she did. "Wipe that smile off your face." I said while glaring at her. "Right... s-sorry Miss Saionji." She replied while looking down at the floor. We started eating our breakfast while I told Tsumiki random stuff about myself and the rules she had to follow when she was with me. I told her she had to do my homework and that if we were paired for a project that she was going to do all the work. I also told her to stop wearing the school uniform and to start wearing her nurse uniform. I thought her nurse uniform looked more formal than the school one. I asked her if she was good in all subjects at school, and she said she was. Especially in science and math. Which was perfect for me since I was terrible in both those subjects. When we finished our breakfast, we got up and headed to our first class. Chemistry. We walked up the stairs to the second floor and went to room 201. We didn't have to bring notebooks or book bags since our chemistry teacher would give us those once we started class. As time passed, more and more students started to come to chemistry. When the clock hit 8:00am, we were finally allowed to go inside the classroom. A male which I assumed was our chemistry teacher came straight towards us. He had black and white hair and wore a white button up shirt with a black sweater vest. He opened the door to let us all in. When we walked inside he told us to stand by the wall and that he would give us our assigned seats. One by one, students began to walk over to their seats. Now it was just Me, Tsumiki, Mioda, and Koizumi. "Koizumi, go sit in the back." "You'll sit next to Mioda." Our Chemistry teacher said. Both Mioda and Koizumi walked to the back of the class and sat down. Now it was just me and. Tsumiki. "Saionji, come sit right here." "Tsumiki will be sitting next to you." He said. I walked to where my seat was. Which was in the front of the class right next our teachers desk. When I sat down Tsumiki walked up and sat in her seat. "Hello everyone." "My name is Mr. Monokuma." "I will be your Chemistry and Algebra teacher this year." He said while sitting at his desk. He then got up and walked over to the closet. He grabbed eight notebooks and passed them all out to the first row. He went back to the closet and grabbed eight more. Once he was done passing them out, he said we could relax for a few minutes since it was only 8:05am. Every started talking to each other about random stuff. I started telling Tsumiki random stuff about myself since I had no one else to talk to. After a few minutes, Tsumiki said she was going to use the bathroom. She then got up and left the room. After she left, I noticed that she brought a pink little book with her. I grabbed it and on the front it said Tsumiki's Diary. Now I was really curious. I wanted to know if she wrote about me in there. And if she did, I wanted to know if she had somewhat feelings for me. I didn't want her to though. Because then that would make things difficult between me and her. And I don't want that. Especially since I already don't like her. I'm just using her for my personal benefit. That's all. I put the diary down deciding not to read it. I made sure it was the exact same way Tsumiki left it so she wouldn't suspect anything. Tsumiki came back and sat down next to me. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. Once again, it gave me butterflies. "Stop doing that!" I said while glaring at her. "Right....I apologize." She said looking down at her desk. I just rolled my eyes. Soon, it was 8:30am. Mr. Monokuma got up and started teaching us our first lesson.

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