Chapter Sixteen

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Mikan's Pov:

She stopped dead in her tracks once she saw me. She started to blush madly too. "M-Miss Saionji!" "Are you okay?!" "Because you didn't come to brea-" "IM FINE YOU STUPID PIG!" "NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" She interrupted. She stomped past me and went towards the English room walk into the english room."Where are you going?!" "We have chemistry first remember?!" I said confused because we always have chemistry first. "MY SCHEDULE CHANGED DIPSHIT!" "WE ONLY HAVE ALGEBRA TOGETHER NOW!" "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE TSUMIKI!" she hollered from the reading room. I figured she must've asked the principal to change her schedule. I heard more footsteps come down the hallway and all the other fourteen students came towards the classes. But only eight students went near chemistry class. The others went near the english class. 'I guess the principal changed most of the students schedules.' I saw Mr. Monokuma and Ms. Usami walking down the hallway towards us. "Goodmorning everyone." "Go right in and take your seats." Mr. Monokuma said while opening the door. We all went in and I saw that some desks were removed from the class room. I sat down in my seat and opened my book bag. I took out my chemistry note book, pencil, the homework from yesterday, and my diary. It was 8:05am. So I had plenty of time to write in it. I opened it and started writing.

September 6, 2008

Dear Diary,

A lot happened in the past few days. It all started when me and Miss Saionji got paired on a group together. She said she wanted to work in my room. So I let her. A few minutes after we were both in the room, she told me to go get her some grape juice. I did as I was told and left the room. When I got back I gave her the grape juice, but she had this weird look on her face. Like she was shocked by something. We got started on our project. But she barely talked to me. Which was strange because she always talks to me. And whenever she did it was in a really low voice or just a head nod. When she was finished the first part of her project, she told me she was leaving and walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. When she left I started thinking about that look she gave me when I handed her the grape juice. I was thinking of all the possible reasons she would give me that look. The only reason I could come up with.... is that she read my diary. That started to worry me. Because then she would know I was in love with her. And that's what made her freak out and not talk to me. But then I thought, what if she's in love with me and she's just to nervous to be around me because of her feelings. That thought eased my worry a lot. And it made me really happy. So now, I'm just waiting for the right time to ask her if she read my diary or not. Anyways. my feelings about her obviously haven't changed. I'm still just as in love with her as I was the day I met her. And I know that will never change.

From, Tsumiki

I shut my diary and put it back in my book bag. "Alright class, let's get started." Mr. Monokuma said. I grabbed my homework sheet and we started to go over it.

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