Chapter 1

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"So Taylor, you gonna come to Christie's party tomorrow night?" Aly asked me while we walked to our ninth period class. "I umm.. I don't think I can make it." I stammered out. "Why not?" Aly stopped walking and looked at me with disappointed eyes. "I'm sorry but I... Have something already planned." I responded and continued walking to class. Aly quickly ran up behind me. "What are you doing that you can't come to the party for even five minutes?" I had to think quickly. "I uh.. I have to take my grandma to the doctors...?" What? Would Aly even by that? "Alright fine. I understand." She said with a slight smile. I gave her a fake smile back. I can't believe she actually bought that.

The bell for ninth period rang and Aly and I both quickly ran into our history class. I walked away from Aly and into the last row, next to Grace. Grace was my best friend and although I had other friends, Grace was the only one that I liked. "Did you get out of going to the party?" She whispered to me as I slid into the empty seat next to her. "Yeah. I told Aly that I had to take my grandma to the doctors." I said rolling my eyes slightly. Grace laughed. "She bought that?" I smiled. "Yes She did." I opened my notebook as our teacher, Mrs. Smith walked in. I stared blankly off into space, completely ignoring everything that our teacher was saying. I couldn't help but think about those five faggots from Australia who I'm in love with. That's what I would be doing tomorrow night. I would lock myself in my room, video chat with Grace and we would fangirl about how much we loved the them. "Taylor!" The sound of my name pulled me out of my daydream. I looked up to see Mrs. Smith standing in front of me with an annoyed look. "Taylor, if you plan on passing my class I suggest that you pay attention." She said and turned back towards her desk. I rolled my eyes. I was a straight A student and I had the highest grades in the class. Me failing? Ha that was a joke.

The bell for dismissal finally rang and the whole class ran out of the room as if it was on fire. It was Friday so everyone wanted to get the hell out of this place and on with there weekend plans. I exited the room calmly and took my iPhone out of my pocket. I began typing away on twitter as I walked to my locker. I opened it up and took out the books that I would need to complete my homework over the weekend. I stuffed my books into my bag and slammed my locker shut. I began walking towards the exit doors, when I heard my name being called from the opposite direction. I quickly turned around to see that it was Brian. I sighed and slipped my phone back into my pocket. Brian was like the school nerd. People always bullied him and I felt really had so I was nice to him. But being nice back fired on me cause now Brian has a huge crush on me and practically stalks my life. "Hi Taylor." He said with a smile. "Hi Brian." I said with a fake smile as we both walked out the school doors. The cool New York air hit my skin, sending a shiver all over my body. "How was your day?" Brian asked. I rolled my eyes, which was starting to become my bad habit of mine. "It was good. How was yours?" I answered back politely. "My day was amazing! Thanks for asking." I nodded. "Well Brian, I gotta get going now. I'll see you later." I said awkwardly and began to slowly walk away. "Wait Taylor!" Brian called after me. I sighed a turned back around towards him. "I was uh...I was wondering if you to go out with me?" Brian asked. I mentally faced palmed myself. I felt bad but I couldn't go out with Brian. I was already known as a loser at school and going out with Brian would just make it worse. I took a small step closer to him. "Brian, you're really nice and I like you as a friend but I can't go out with you." Brian's smiling face dropped. "Why not?" He was not making this an easier for me. I felt the guilt building up in my stomach. "I can't go out with you cause...." I paused and thought for a second. " I already have a boyfriend." What did I just say? "You do?" Brian asked with wide eyes. I nodded. "Yes I do. His name is Luke. Luke Brooks."


Hiiiii everyone! Ok so I got this idea for this new fanfic and I wanted to start it before I forgot. So here it is! Hope you enjoyed it and don't worry, the janoskians will become more involved shortly. Share, like, fan, vote, and please please please comment. I really like to have feed back so that I know if I'm doing a good job or if I write like crap haha. Ok hope you have a wonderful day and I love you all. ~Kayla :)

My Boyfriend is Luke Brooks(a Janoskians fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now