Chapter 17

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*Taylor's POV*

"Tell me Luke!" I shouted. I was getting upset with him. I knew that he wanted to tell me something but he wouldn't tell me.

"I like you, ok? I really really like you, Taylor." He finally spoke. He was saying other things too but I wasn't listening. I was only focusing on his lips which I so badly wanted to kiss. I finally gave into my desires and pressed my lips against his, stopping him from speaking. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands found there way to my waist. I thought that Luke's lip ring would get in the way but it actually made the kiss more enjoyable. Luke's tongue exploring my mouth and mine, his. A loud boom of thundering, separated us. I looked at Luke, who was smiling down at me. I smiled back.

"I've been waiting for so long to do that." He said.

"Well what took you so long?" I asked with a smirk before pressing another soft kiss to his lips. Another clap of thunder caused me to jump. Luke chuckled and held me in his arms.

"Let's go inside." He said with a smile. I nodded in agreement before Luke and I walked inside of my apartment, holding hands.

My hair and clothes were soaking wet from the rain, leaving water drops on the floor as I walked through the house. I walked into my bedroom with Luke right behind me.

"I'm going to change out if these wet clothes." I tell Luke while pulling out a pair of black yoga pants and a pink sweatshirt.

"Can I watch?" Luke asked with a wink. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You wish." I said before skipping off into the bathroom.

I quickly changed out of my clingy, wet clothes and slipped into my comfortable dry ones. I brushed my damp hair and left it down to dry in its wavy form. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway to my room. I was shocked when I walked in and saw Luke laying on my bed wearing nothing but his boxers. My mouth hung open as I looked at him. His body was beautifully tan and ugh his abs were perfect. He didn't see me standing in the doorway until I cleared my throat.

"Oh..umm...these were the only things that were dry." Luke said pointing to his boxers and then pointing at the pile of wet clothes on my floor.

"It's... It's no big deal." I said, trying not to stare at him. Luke smiled and moved over on my bed, patting the spot next to him. I smiled and crawled into bed next to him. I rested my head on his warm chest and moved close to his side. I felt Luke's fingers start to play with my hair. I smiled as my eyes slowly started to close and I fell into a deep sleep.


First, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I wanted to update so much sooner but I had writers block and then I went on a little weekend vacation and I finally found time to update now. So I'm sorry.

Second, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. This is such a short chapter but I just wanted to write a little something since I haven't updated. So once again, I'm sorry.

I'm going to try and write longer, more frequent updates for y'all. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or you just want to say hi or have a conversation, please feel free to message me or comment. I love you all and I hope you liked this chapter. Well happy reading :) ~Kayla

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