Chapter 15

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*Taylor's POV*

Luke and I walked quietly in a comfortable silence, still holding hands. We had ran for about five blocks, when we left Aly's house, before finally deciding to walk.

"Thanks for helping me back there." I spoke in a quiet voice.

Luke nodded. "It was no problem." He said and held my hand tighter. We continued walking, occasionally stopping for fans who recognized Luke.

We were about a block away from my apartment when I felt the cold November air through my jacket. I tugged my jacket closer to my body, trying to keep my self warm.

"Are you cold?" Luke asked. He must've noticed me trying to keep warm.

I shook my head. "No I'm fine." He knew I was lying.

Luke stopped before taking off his Janoskians sweatshirt and pulling it over my head. I laughed as I slipped my arms inside the large sweatshirt.

"Are you warm now?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded. "Thank you." I said.


Luke said goodnight and dropped me off at my apartment before I tip toed up the stairs. It was late and I didn't want to wake the rest of my family.

I carefully opened my bedroom door and turned the light on. The bright light burned my eyes momentarily but they soon adjusted. I kicked off my shoes and slipped out of my jeans, swapping them for a pair of black leggings. I took Luke's sweatshirt off for a moment while removing the jacket and tank top that I was wearing underneath. I slipped the sweatshirt on again before turning off the light and climbing into my bed. I sweatshirt smelt like Luke and was warm. I felt safe with the large material wrapped around my body. The only thing that would be better is if it was Luke himself.


Hiiii! You all probably hate me right now because this is such a short chapter but I just wanted to write a little but today because I promise that the next chapter is going to have a lot of big things happening in it!

Ok so first, I just wanted to let you know that I love you all super duper much! I've received a few messages from you guys and they make me so happy! So thank you so much!

Second, what do y'all think of the new cover? I haven't changed this cover yet so I felt that it was time for change.

Lastly, if you like this story then you might also like "Unexpected". It's a Luke Brooks fanfic and it's very good. Here's the link if you would like to check it out, like, vote, comment, maybe follow them? Cause they're pretty cool. Ok well here's the link

Happy reading :) ~Kayla

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