Chapter 23

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*Luke's POV*
I nervously chewed on my lip ring as I the blue Skype screen loaded. The ringing seemed to last forever but it finally stopped and the imagine of my beautiful girlfriend popped up on the screen.
"Lukey!" she cheered. I smiled widely.
"Tay!!!" I said. "I missed you so much."
"I miss you too." She brushed a piece of hair out of her face allowing me to see her blue eyes.
"You look beautiful." I whispered. I could see her face get red on the computer screen and she smiled.
"Thanks." She said.
The two of us talked for a while on Skype until I was hit with a pillow.
"It's 5am dickhead! Fucking go to sleep." Jai yelled at me from his bed.
"Shut up!" I yelled before I chucked the pillow back at him. I looked back at Taylor. She was looking back at me.
"Luke, go to bed." She whispered. I shook my head.
"I'm not going to bed. I want to talk to you."
"But you have to go to sleep baby." She whispered.
"I'm not going to sleep right now." I spoke.
"Go to sleep!" Jai yelled.
"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled back. Taylor quietly giggled which caused me to smile. She then sighed.
"I was going to let this be a surprise but..." She paused. My eyes widened as I waited patiently for her to finish her sentence. "...I'm going to come visit you during spring break." She finally spoke. I couldn't believe my ears.
"Are you serious?!" I shouted, knowing that I'd probably hear another remark from Jai. Taylor laughed.
"Yes really. I talked to my mom and she said it would be fine." I smiled crazily.
"Oh my fucking god Taylor! I can't wait!" she smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
"Neither can I! Only two months!" She cheered. I smiled.
"I love you." I said quietly.
"I love you too." She smiled.
She blew me a kiss before disconnecting from the video call. I slowly closed my computer and crawled into my bed.
"You miss her, don't you?" I heard Jai ask from the bed on the other side of the room.
"Yeah. I miss holding her in my arms. I miss playing with her hair. I miss singing to her. I miss kissing her lips. I really miss her."
"Dude, you're completely in love with her." He said. I nodded my head.
"Yeah. I think I am."

*Taylor's POV*
I held my backpack tightly as I stood from my seat on the plane. I stretched my arms and legs in the aisle as people exited the plane. 25 hours. I sat on that plane for over 25 hours. For the first 4 hours, I watched two of my favorite movies, Peter Pan and Finding Nemo. I fell asleep half way through Nemo and slept for about an hour and a half. After about 6 more hours, I had finished reading all 12 gossip magazines I had bought before boarding. I spent the next 7 hours reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, and after having an emotional break down about Augustus and Hazel, I decided to watch the first three Harry Potter films which lasted me about 5 hours while taking an occasional nap in between. I also spent some time just looking out the window at the bright blue sky and cotton ball clouds. But I had finally landed in Melbourne and I honestly couldn't be happier.
I fixed my backpack on my back before exiting the plane with the rest of the passengers. We were instructed to pick up our luggage in baggage claim but I quickly stopped into the bathroom. I checked over my appearance in the full length mirror that was hung on the wall. I was wearing a pair of loose sweatpants and a baggy "I heart NY" sweatshirt. My hair was thrown into messy braid and my face was makeupless. I sighed before entering one of the stalls to change into different clothes.
I slipped into a pair of black legging and traded my sweatshirt for a white tshirt and a black, white, and red flannel. I slid my black combat boots onto my feet before exited the bathroom stalls. I threw my backpack onto the large sink counter top. I untied my braid and brushed my hair quickly, letting my wavy hair fall down my back. I removed my makeup bag from my backpack and applied makeup to my face so that I wouldn't look like a complete zombie when I saw Luke. He told me last week that he was going to pick me up from the airport would be waiting for me at baggage claim. The thought of him waiting there caused me to finish in the bathroom and run downstairs.
Baggage claim was filed with people. I stood by the carousel would the luggage was being released and looked around for Luke. I didn't see him anywhere but I did see my suit case being released. I reached out for it but another larger hand grabbed it before me.
"Excuse me sir, but that's mine." I said as politely as I could. The man was facing the other direction so I couldn't see his face but he held my suit case in his hand.
"Well actually this is my girlfriends." The person spoke and turned around to face me. It was Luke. I smiled and jumped into his arms, causing him to drop my luggage. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I buried my head in my chest. His arms held me tightly around my back.
"I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear.
"I missed you more." I said. I lifted my head to look at Luke. He smiled cutely at me. I smiled at him before pressing my lips against his. I missed kissing his perfect lips.
Hey!! I finally updated everyone! I'm sorry it took so long but I've been busy and it took me like two weeks to write just this chapter but I tried to make it longer then usual. I hope you all liked it cause I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Happy reading! :) xx ~Kayla

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