Chapter 11

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*Taylor's POV*


I sat in my 9th period class, tapping my pencil against the wooden desk and looking at the clock the hung above the classroom door.

Only five minutes left and then I would get to see Luke. Just the thought of seeing me made a smile form on my face.


I turned away from the clock and looked in the direction of my teacher who stood in the front of the room.

"Uh umm yes...?" I stuttered. I wasn't paying attention to what was happening in class considering that I couldn't take my eyes off the clock and I kept thinking of Luke.

"Will you please read to the class page 115 from the text book?" She spoke.

I took a deep breathe before flipping my book open to page 115. I stared down at the page and opened my mouth to speak but as soon as I did, the dismissal bell rang.

I was saved by the bell.

I slammed by text book shut, jumped out of my chair, and ran out the door.

I ran down the crowded school hallways and continued out the school doors.


I finally reached my apartment and threw the front door open. I quickly ran to my room so that I could change before I met with Luke.

I changed out of the sweatpants that I had wore wore to school and slid into a pair of dark skinny jeans. I took off the oversized sweatshirt that I was wearing and replaced it with a loose lavender tank top. I slipped my small feet into beige ballet flats before going into the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup.

I took my dark brown hair out of its messy bun and left it in its natural wavy form. I then applied light simple makeup and walked out of my room.

I slipped on my dark brown leather jacket before walking out the apartment door to meet Luke.


*Luke's POV*

I stood impatiently outside of Starbucks, waiting for Taylor. I glanced down at my phone to check the time.


I sighed and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Luke!" I heard someone call.

I looked up and saw Taylor walking towards me with a huge smile on her face.

"Perfect timing." I said while walking towards her.

She giggled a little and then looked at me.

"So what do you have planned?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I thought that maybe you could show me around the city a bit."

Taylor nodded.

"Of course! I'd love to show you around. Follow me!"

She cheered and started walking in the opposite direction. I didn't follow her. Instead I watched as she walked down the block alone. When she realized I wasn't with her, she turned around and gave a confused look.

"Are you coming with me?" She asked.

I smiled. "Yeah but I was just checking out your ass first." I winked.

She rolled her eyes but I could tell that she was trying not to smile.

"Let's go!" She yelled and I quickly ran next to her as we went to explore the wonderful city of New York.


Hiiii! I hope you all liked this chapter. I don't really have anything to say today because I didn't do anything but I love you all! Happy reading! :) xx ~Kayla

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