Chapter 20

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*Luke's POV*
I held Taylor's hand in my own sweaty hand as we walked down the street. I couldn't help myself from looking over at her. Her dark, curled, hair framing her face perfectly. Her pink dress complimenting her tan body. Her heels making her legs appear longer. Her bright blue eyes. Her long eyelashes. Her pink lips. Everything about her was perfect.
I must've been staring at Taylor a little too long because the next thing I knew, I crashed into a pole and fell onto the ground.
"Luke? Are you ok?" I heard Taylor ask. I nodded and looked up to see her crouched down next to me. I slowly stood up with a bit of help from Taylor.
"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked. I smiled.
"Yeah I'm fine. I distracted." I whispered. Taylor smiled. I took her hand in mine again as we continued walking.
We walked a few blocks further until we reached Central Park. Taylor and I walked on the stone pathways through the colorful park with beautiful autumn leaves falling around us. In the distance I could see a small brick bridge. The whole bridge was covered with rose petals and small tea light candles, giving some light as the sun went down behind the New York buildings. A small round table was in the center of the bridge with two chairs, one on either side. I glanced over to look at Taylor's face as we approached the scene. She was smiling widely. She looked up at me as we stopped at the foot of the bridge.
"You did this?" She asked. I nodded and lead her towards her seat. I pulled out the chair for her and she sat before I pushed her back towards the table.
"But how?" She asked as I sat in my seat across from her. I just shrugged.
"Well I am Luke Brooks. I have my ways." I said with a wink, causing Taylor to giggle.
After Taylor and I enjoyed our dinner, I decided that I wanted to ask her now. I cleared my throat.
"Taylor?" I spoke. Her blue eyes looked at me and she smiled.
"I.. I know we haven't known each other for that long but I really feel connected to you and I...I umm..." I stuttered. "I...wanted to ask you to me my girlfriend... My real girlfriend." I added at the end. Taylor smiled. "I'd love to." She whispered before leaning over the table and gently kissing me on the lips.
Hi! Please don't hate me! I know it was short but yay! At least they're officially together now!!! I'm going to try and update again before I go to that awful place called school on Wednesday but its so stupid because I'm off Monday and Tuesday, I go on Wednesday, And then I'm off Thursday and Friday but whatever. Alright so now that I just vented to you, I hope you guys liked this chapter and feel free to tell me what you think. Love y'all. ~Kayla :) xx

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