Chapter 4

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*Luke's POV*

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing loudly on the side table next to my bed. I rolled over and slid my phone to answer the call. "Hello?" I said when I answered my phone. I was too tired and didn't read the caller id before answering it. "Luke! Go on twitter right now!" James said on the other end of the phone. "What? Why?" I asked confused and sat up in my bed. "There's this girl on twitter and tumblr who's saying that you're her boyfriend." I stood up from my bed and slipped on a shirt that laid on the floor in the corner of my room. "So? Girls say things like that all time." I said back to James. "But Luke, she made photoshopped pictures and fake text messages. It looks really legit and the whole fandom is freaking out." James said. I nodded. "Alright. I'll check twitter and call you later." I said before hanging up the phone. I picked up my laptop and placed it on my lap. I logged onto twitter and had thousands of twitter notifications.

"@luke_brooks is Taylor your girlfriend?" Someone tweeted me. What? Who was Taylor?

"@luke_brooks are you dating someone from America?" Another asked.

"@luke_brooks are you dating @taylorxx ?" Who was this girl?

I clicked on her username and was brought to her twitter page. From what I could tell, she was a Janoskians fan. Her bio said some quotes from our videos and her icon was, what I'm guessing was a picture of her. She had light skin and dark brown hair that was died bright pink at the bottom. She wore light makeup and in her picture, she wore a New York Yankees SnapBack. She was really cute from what I could see in the picture. I figured her name was Taylor considering thats what her name said. I finally pulled my eyes away from her picture and scrolled down her twitter. All her recent tweets where about me and how I was her "boyfriend".

"@taylorxx: my baby Luke is soo sweet." Was one of the tweets I saw.

"@taylorxx: I love Luke Brooks." Was another. Most of her tweets weren't that unusually. I see tweets like that everyday from our fans but my eyes grew wide when I saw some of her pictures. She had photoshopped pictures of us, which I've seen before from other fans but hers looked so real. She also had text message pictures and made it look like they were from me. Why was she doing this? Are the fans really believing her? I scrolled though my timeline and saw that they were. I quickly followed Taylor so that I could dm her.

"Hey. I've seen you're tweets and the whole fandom is flipping out. Could you please stop? I am not your boyfriend." I tweeted her. I kinda felt bad but I wasn't gonna let her keep doing this. Before I logged off twitter, I looked at Taylor's picture again. She was so beautiful and I actually wouldn't mind being her boyfriend.


¡Hola amigos! New chapter!!! Yay! I didn't really like this chapter too much and it's really short but I had to write it haha but how did you guys like it? Please please please leave comments! They are so hopeful to me and I really like to hear what you guys think. Liking, voting, fanning and especially sharing are extremely helpful as well so you should do those too haha. Well I'll try to update soon but I don't know if I'll be able to so happy reading! Haha ~Kayla :)

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