Chapter 16

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*Taylor's POV*

I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain hitting my window. I sat up in my bed and looked outside. I smiled after seeing the dark clouds and wet streets. I love rainy days.

I crawled out of my bed, tugging Luke's sweatshirt closer to me as the cool air hit my skin. It was Saturday and I knew I wasn't going to go out, so there was no point in getting changed. I threw my long, wavy hair into a messy ponytail before slipping my blue fuzzy socks onto my cold feet. I quietly tip toed down the stairs even though I knew my mom and brother were at some sport thing and didn't have to worry about waking them up.

I made myself a cup of coffee in the kitchen before going into the living room and plopping down on the couch. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. There wasn't really anything good on but I settled for watching reruns of the show "Friends". I grabbed my throw blanket from the corner of the couch and wrapped it around my body. I took a sip of my hot coffee before sinking into the couch.

I laid on the couch for about an hour until I heard a knock on the door. Usually no one came to visit me besides Grace, and she would've texted me before she came over. I slowly opened the door to Luke standing on the other side.

"Luke!" I smiled momentarily until I noticed that his clothes were soaking wet. "Come inside!" I said and pulled him by his arm into my apartment and out of the pouring rain.

"Thanks." He said, looking at the ground.

"No big deal." I shrugged. "So what's up?" I asked before wandering into the kitchen, Luke following behind me. He sat down at the kitchen counter as I stood on my tip toes, looking through the cabinets for something to eat.

"Taylor, I need to tell you something." Luke spoke in a tone that worried me. I turned to look at him. He looked me up and down and I became aware that I was still wearing his sweatshirt.

"Do you want this back?" I asked tugging at the bottom of the over large sweater. Luke smiled but shook his head.

"No. You keep it. It looks cuter on you anyway." He said, making me blush.

"Thanks." I said, trying to hide my increasingly red face. "So what did you want to tell me?"

*Luke's POV*

I watched Taylor for a few minutes as she struggled to see what was inside the cabinets.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Taylor, I need to tell you something." I said, trying to not sound nervous.

Taylor turned to face me. I looked at her and took in her appearance. Her black leggings hugged her curves perfectly. My sweatshirt, a few sizes too big for her, made her look comfortable and warm. Her face was flawless even when cleared of makeup. She was beautiful and perfect and I wanted her to be mine.

"Do you want this back?" Taylor asked me, pulling at the sweatshirt.

"No. You keep it. It looks cuter on you anyway." I spoke. Her face turned red and I could tell that she was trying to stop blushing.

"Thanks." She spoke. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asked.

I looked down at my hands that rested on the kitchen counter. "I uh..." I tried to find the words. This was so weird for me. I never got nervous around a girl, especially fans. I don't know why I had such a hard time talking to Taylor.

Her big blue eyes looked at me as I struggled to find the words.

"I.. Uh.. I had a good time last night...." I said. Taylor smiled.

"Yeah me too." She spoke. We stood in silence for a minute just looking at each other until I stood from my seat.

"I um I got to go now." I said, quickly making my way towards the door.

"That's all you had to tell me?" Taylor asked, chasing after me.

"Yeah. That's all." I said. I must not have sounded too convincing because looked at me with suspicion.

"Luke I know you didn't come all the way over here to tell me that you had a good time last night. You could've just texted me that. What else do you want to tell me?" She said sternly. I opened the front door.

"Nothing Taylor. Really it was nothing." I said as i stepped outside into the pouring rain. Taylor followed me outside. Her small figure stood in front me.

"Tell me Luke!" She yelled over the rain. She was obviously getting upset that I wouldn't tell her. I sighed.

"I like you, ok? I really really like you, Taylor. You're pretty and perfect and I get so nervous when I'm around you and-" my babbling was cut short when Taylor pressed her pink lips to mine. My hands found there way to waist as her arms reached up and wrapped around my neck. The rain fell down around us as Taylor and I had our first kiss in the rain.


Hola amigos! Who's happy that they kissed?! I am!! I'm so excited because the story is really going to get good!

I just wanted to thank you all so much for all the support that you've given me. I really appreciate it so much.

I also just wanted to say that I really enjoy making covers for stories so if anyone has a story or fanfic or whatever and they would like me to make a cover please tell me cause I have nothing else to do and I really like making them so yeah let me know.

Ok so yeah that's it. I'll try to update again soon. I love you all. Happy reading. :) ~Kayla

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