Chapter 14

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*Luke's POV*

"Awww is someone jealous?" I asked Taylor. She pouted and nodded her head. I stretched my arms out and wrapped them around her. I held her close to me. Her head was buried in my neck; my chin leaning on her head. I took a breathe as her scent filled my nose. She smelt like vanilla.

I held Taylor in my arms for what felt like forever. I didn't want to let her go. It felt like we were the only two people in the room.

The sound of someone clearing there throat brought me back to reality.

Taylor and I separated from our hug and looked at Grace.

She just stood there awkwardly looking at us.

I looked at Taylor who was looking at me.

"I think we're going to leave now." Taylor said, turning back to Grace.

Grace nodded before giving Taylor a hug goodbye.

*Taylor's POV*

I gave Grace a hug goodbye before taking Luke's hand and walking towards the door. We walked through the maze of people and almost made it to the door until a large figure stood in front of me.

"Hi Taylor." The person said. I looked up to see Brian standing in front of me and blocking the door. I had tried to avoid him as much as possible since he asked me out and I lied to him, which started the whole 'Luke Brooks is my boyfriend' thing.

"Hi Brian." I said in a harsh tone.

I released Luke hand from mine as he stood behind me.

"Who's this?" Brian asked.

"This is Luke." I spoke. Brian's eyes widened.

"Luke? The same Luke that stole you from me?" He asked, his voice becoming louder. Luke looked at me with confusion.

"He didn't steal me from you, Brian. I never liked you liked that." I said in a stern voice. Brian took a step closer to me.

"I know you like me Taylor." He said and grabbed my waist.

"I don't like you." I said, trying to push him away from me.

"You wanna kiss me." He said and pulled me tighter.

"Get off of me!" I shouted over the music and struggled in his grip.

"Leave her alone!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to see Luke before his fist collided with Brian's face. I was released from Brian's grip as he fell backwards into a group of people.

I grabbed Luke's hand before running out if Aly's apartment and into the cold New York night.


Hiii people! I didn't really like this chapter too much but I felt like the story needed something big to happen so yay! I hope you all liked it and I'm going to try and update again on Monday. Have a wonderful day! I love you all ~Kayla :)

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