Chapter 22

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*Taylor's POV*
I sat quietly next to Luke in the airport waiting room. It's been two months since Luke has come to New York and two months since Luke has asked me to be his girlfriend. He was supposed to go back to Melbourne three days ago but he put it off. I finally convinced him that he has to go back home to be with his friends and family. It wasn't easy, but he finally agreed.
I rested my head on his shoulder and rested my hand on his thigh. His larger hand rested on top of mine. Neither one of us said anything. We just sat quietly and watched the busy people in the airport go by.
The silence was interrupted. "Flight 105 to Melbourne is now ready for boarding" the monotone voice said over the loud speaker. I looked up at Luke who was looking down at me.
"I don't want to leave. I want to stay with you." he whispered in my ear. I sat up. His brown eyes were filled with sadness and I could tell that he truly didn't want to leave.
"Luke, you have to. You have to be with your family. You have Janoskians stuff to work on. I want to be with you too but..."
"Then come with me!" Luke cheered cutting me off.
"I can't."
"Yes you can!" he jumped from his seat. "You can get on the plane with me right now and we'll be together." I sighed.
"You know I can't do that Luke. I have school and my family is here." I sadly stood from my seat. Luke looked down at the floor. I took both my hands in his.
"We'll talk and FaceTime every single day so that it will feel like we're still together ok?" I told him. He looked at me and nodded his head.
"Last call for flight 105" the voice spoke again. I glanced over at the boarding gate, watching the last few people get onto the plane, before looking back at Luke. He leaned down and kisses me hard. I kissed him back. When our lips separated, tears began to fill in my eyes.
"I love you, Taylor." He said quietly. Those three words surprised me slightly. We've never said that to each other before and the words seemed to roll off his tongue so easily.
"I love you too" I found myself whisper before he kissed me one last time and hugged me tightly. My body was released from his grip. Luke fixed his back pack and ran to the boarding gate. I watched as he handed the lady his ticket. He turned back to me. He blew me a kiss before walking into the small tunnel and onto the plane. The lady closed the door behind him. I walked to the large windows and looked out at the plane. My phone vibrated in my pocket causing me to turn away from the window.
"I miss you already." The message read. It was from Luke.
"I miss you more." I responded.
"I love you <3" was the next text from him.
"I love you too <3"
Five minutes later the plane took off for Melbourne, leaving me to feel empty inside.
Yay update!!! Hope everyone liked this! Please tell me whatcha thought and what you think will happen next! Also please tell me if any of you would be interested in reading a non fanfic because I'm thinking of writing one. Ok so anyway I love you all! have a supper happy day! :) xx ~Kayla

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