Chapter 10

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*Taylor's POV*

Luke and I stood on the front steps to my apartment. I turned around and unlocked the front door before turning back around to Luke.

"Umm thanks for walking me home." I said while looking down at the ground. A small piece of hair fell out of my beanie and into my face. I lifted my hand to push it behind my ear but before I could, Luke reached up and gently brushed it out of the way for me. My cheeks became bright red as I looked up at Luke, a smile on his lips.

"No problem. I had fun talking with you today." He said.

I nodded in agreement. "I had fun talking with you too."

"Umm Taylor?" Luke asked.


"Maybe can we exchange phone numbers and we can do this again sometime?" He asked. Her looked like a little puppy and it was so cute.

I nodded before handing him my phone and him handing his to me. We exchanged numbers and then stood in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It felt comfortable. I watched as Luke played with his lip ring but he never took his eyes off of me. I wondered if he wanted to kiss me as badly as I wanted to kiss him.

I shook that thought from my mind before quietly clearing my throat and speaking.

"Well thank you, Luke. Goodnight."

I said before walking into my house.

"Goodnight Taylor." He said with a smile. I gave him a small wave before closing the front door and running up to my room.


*Luke's POV*

I wanted to kiss her so badly. I played with my lip ring as we studied each other. He bright blue eyes looking back into mine. Her wavy dark brown hair that peaked out from under her beanie. Her light pink lips just waiting to be kissed. She was so beautiful.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Taylor talking.

"Well thank you, Luke. Goodnight." She said before walking into her house.

"Goodnight Taylor." I said with a huge grin plastered onto my face. She gave me a small wave before shutting the door.

I turned away and I jumped down the stairs. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked down the streets to my hotel.

"I should've kissed her." I thought as I walked. I then looked down at my phone and got an idea.

I slid to unlock before typing a message.

"Meet me at Starbucks again at 4 on Friday and this time don't be late ;)" I sent to Taylor.

I got a reply from her almost instantly.

"I will be there :)"


Yay for updates!! So I'm sorry it took so long to update but I had writers block but I finally updated so here ya go! I hope everyone is enjoying the story and please leave me comments or message me cause i have no friends and I'd really love to talk to you guys cause i love you all!!!!! Ok so have a wonderful day everyone! ~Kayla :)

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