Chapter 5

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*Taylor's POV*

I removed my phone from back pocket as the bell rang for the end of the school day. I slipped on my light pink hoodie before beginning my walk home. I unlocked my phone and checked my twitter notifications. I nearly fell over when I saw "Luke Brooks is now following you" on my twitter. Was this real? I figured it was just a cake account but to my surprise, it wasn't. It was really Luke. I huge smile spread across my face. I tried to contain my squeals but being the fangirl that I was, I began screaming and freaking out. I received a few odd looks from people walking on the other side of the street but I honestly didn't care. Luke fucking Brooks followed me! A wide smiled stayed on my face as I walked home and continued scrolling through twitter. I was almost home when I noticed that I had gotten a dm. I opened and saw that it was from Luke. My eyebrows scrunched up and confused washed over me. I opened the dm. My head dropped as I read his message. "Hey. I've seen your tweets and the whole fandom is flipping out. Could you please stop? I am not your boyfriend." The message hit me hard. I never meant for this to be taken this far and I definitely didn't expect the whole fandom to believe that Luke was my "boyfriend." But I couldn't deny anything between us now. Everyone believed that I was dating Luke and if I take everything back then I'll just look like a lying bitch. I sat down at the front steps of my house. I rested my chin on my hand and stared down at my phone which rested on my lap. After sitting there for a few minutes, I picked it up and began typing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for everything to get so out of hand but I need to keep pretending that you're my boyfriend for certain reasons. Sorry." I read the dm over before sending the message to Luke. My stomach had a giant knot in it and felt so sick. I slowly stood from the steps and unlocked my front door. Once I opened the door, I kicked off my black vans and threw my bag into the corner of the living room. I'd definitely get in trouble for making a mess later but right now I didn't care. Luke probably thought I was a terrible person and that broke my heart. I plopped down onto the couch and stared at the blank tv screen, as if it was going to turn on by itself. I stared at it for a while until the sound of my phone pulled me out of my trance. To my surprise it was a dm from Luke.


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy and suffering from writers block. So anyway, sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to give you guys a little something. So I hope you enjoyed and please comment, fan, like, vote! Love you all :) ~Kayla

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