Chapter 7

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*Taylor's POV*

**Monday Morning**

My alarm clock rang loudly, waking me from my peaceful sleep. I quickly shut it off before rolling out of bed and practically crawling to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and jumped into the warm water, causing me to wake up more. I washed quickly and turned the water off. I wrapped a light pink towel around my body as I stepped out of the shower, the cool air hitting my body, and into my room. I threw open my closet door and looked for something to wear.

After 15 minutes, I finally decided to wear my distressed black shorts and a loose light blue tank top. I let my hair dry in its natural waves and then slipped a light gray beanie onto my head. I applied light makeup and then slid into my black vans. I walked down stairs and put on a dark gray cardigan before picking up my school bag and phone. "Bye Mom!" I yelled, walking out the door and heading off towards school.

As I walked I scrolled through twitter. I checked my dms and noticed one from Luke.

"My plane should be landing Monday. Is there any place where we can meet to talk?"

I sighed and quickly typed him back as I walked through the school doors.

"There's a Starbucks not far from my house. Can we meet there?" I messaged back.

I walked over to my locker where Grace and Aly stood, talking.

"Hey guys." I said as I swung my locker open and switched my books. They smiled but continued on with there conversation. I shut my locker and looked down at my phone which was lighting up in my hands. It was a reply form Luke.

"Sounds good. Just send me the address and I'll meet you there at around 4pm"

I smiled slightly and then sent him the address.

"Ooooo. Who you talking to, Taylor?" Aly said, no longer conversing with Grace.

I blushed and quickly shoved my phone into my bag.

"I..uh.. I was talking to Luke." I said quietly and started walking towards my first period class. I heard Aly's and Grace's shoes running behind me.

"Awww what'd he say?" Aly asked. Grace stared at me, giving me a knowing look.

"He..uh.. He asked me to meet him at Starbucks today." I stuttered. Grace nodded and smiled, knowing that I was being serious. Aly just smiled.

"Awww that's so sweet! Please take pictures!!" She cheered in a high squeaky voice before walking upstairs to her first period class.

I turned down the hall way and continued walking with Grace.

"So you're meeting him today?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yup. I'm meeting him right after school.... I'm meeting Luke Brooks." I whispered to myself and walked into my algebra class.


Hey everyone! I hope you're all having a great day! It's so hot here, in New York, so I've been staying inside reading and updating fanfics. I've been working a little more on this story because you guys deserve it. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and don't be shy to message me or comment your opinions. I love you all! Happy reading! ~Kayla :)

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