Chapter 6

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*Taylor's POV*

I lay face down on my couch with my head buried under pillows. My hand tightly gripped my phone but my arm dangled off the edge of the couch. I heard the front door to my house open followed by the sound of Grace's voice. "Taylor! Where are you?" She called. I couldn't say words with my face in the couch, so I just groaned. I felt Grace lift the pillow off the top of my head and force me to sit up. I just slouched over on top of her. "Tay, what's wrong with you?" She asked. I groaned again and gave her my phone, showing her the dm from Luke. "Ok well I guess I don't understand what's happening in your life but I don't appreciate you messing up mine. I'm coming to New York so that this whole thing will be straightened out." Grace read the message out loud. I groaned again. Grace read through the message again and then looked at me with confusion. "So, what's the problem?" She asked. I jumped from the couch. "What's the problem?!" Grace, Luke thinks I'm a horrible person because I'm practically using him. He hates me!" I shouted before falling back onto the couch. Grace placed my phone down on the coffee table in front of us and turned to face me. "No one can hate you, Taylor. It's impossible. You're such a fun, beautiful girl. Luke might hate you now but if you explain everything to him, I guarantee he'll change his mind." I gave Grace a weak smile for her effort in trying to cheer me up. "Thanks Grace" I said before giving her a hug. "No problem, Tay."she said as she stood from the coach and walked towards the door. "Everything will work out fine." Grace called before slamming the front door shut behind her. A part of me hoped that she was right but the other part of me was dying. I was so nervous and scared for next week.


Hey everyone! I'm sorry that its a extremely short chapter but you guys are so patient and wait for me to update which is like forever so I'm really sorry about that. I felt like you guys deserved a little something though, so here ya go! Please tell me what you think. I really hope you guys like this story and I'll try to update again soon! Have a wonderful day and happy readying :) ~Kayla

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