Chapter 26

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*Taylor's POV*
I sat tapping my foot impatiently on the subway. I couldn't seem to get to the venue fast enough but I took this time to quickly send a message to Beau.
"I got someone to cover for me and I'm racing down to the show. I want to surprise Luke so don't tell him I'm coming but I need help with a really good way to surprise him." I wrote in the text. I few minutes later I received a text from Beau.
"Don't worry I've got a perfect plan. Just tell me when you get to the place."
As soon as the subway stopped, I quickly ran up the stairs, out of the subway, and to the venue. I showed the, scary looking, man at the door my ticket and quickly ran inside since the show had already started. I walked inside to see a crowded room filled with people. There was barely enough space for me but I carefully made my way towards the back.
I took my phone and texted Beau, telling him I was in the back of the room. I smiled and laughed as I watched the boys do there thing on stage but I could tell that Luke wasn't himself.
*Luke's POV*
The bright lights and screaming fans brought me back to focus. I had forgotten that we were in the middle concert. I was thinking about Taylor and saying that I was thinking about her a lot would be an understatement. I wanted her to be here so badly tonight but clearly, the world had different plans.
"Luke!" Beau chanted. I looked over at him confused. The audience was also chanting my name. "So listen everyone." Jai spoke into his microphone. "As most of you know, Luke is madly in love with his beautiful girlfriend Taylor." A chorus of "awwws" were said through out the audience. I couldn't help but blush a bit because it was true. I was madly in love with Taylor. "But sadly Taylor couldn't be here tonight and that's distracting Luke from being the bad ass mother fucker that we know he really is." Jai said. "So, we're going to play a new game!" I looked over at him confused. No one told me about the new game. James walked over with a blind fold in his hand. "We're going to blind fold him" he said, wrapping the blind fold around my eyes, completely blocking my vision.
"Can you see?" I heard Beau ask.
"No. I can't see a fucking thing. What are we even doing?" I asked.
"You'll find out soon." Beau said. "Skip, please turn Luke around 20 times. You guys count." Daniel began to spin me around as the crowd counted aloud. I heard the crowd start cheering but I figured Jai was just doing something stupid.
Daniel stopped spinning me around when the audience got to 20. I felt a little dizzy but shook it off.
"Are you ready Luke?" James asked. I shrugged.
"What should I be ready for?" I asked just as the blind fold was taken off of me. In front of me stood a smiling Taylor. I didn't even hesitate before scooping her up in my arms and spinning her around. She giggled. When I set her back on the ground, I gently touched her face and kissed her passionately. The crowd irrupted into cheers and screams. We separated from the kiss when Beau said "Get a room!"
Taylor laughed and I smiled at her. "I love you, Taylor." I said, still holding her face.
"I love you too Luke."
Well, that's the end...i hope you guys enjoyed this story because I really enjoyed writing it! I want to thank all of you who actually read it and for commenting and telling me your personal opinions. I might make one more chapter which will be about Taylor and Luke a few years in the future. And if anyone has an suggestions for another fanfic I would love to hear it so please comment or message me. Love you all :) xx ~Kayla

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