Chapter 18

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*Luke's POV*
I twirled Taylor's dark brown hair in my fingers as her head rested on my chest. I felt her eyelashes fluttering on my bare skin, and her breathing became soft and steady.
"Taylor?" I asked. She didn't answer. "Taylor?" I said again and stretched my neck to look at her. I smiled as I saw that she had fallen asleep. I grabbed my phone from Taylor's bedside table and opened the camera. I lightly kissed Taylor on the top of her head while holding the phone out in front of me and snapping a picture. I then opened up twitter.
"@luke_brooks: @taylorxx is adorable <3" I wrote along with the picture that I just took. My phone instantly blew up with twitter notifications but I just ignored them and placed my phone back onto the table. I held Taylor's body closer to mine and rested my head gently on hers. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with the most perfect girl snuggled in my arms.
*Taylor's POV*
I woke up a while later wrapped in Luke's arms. I rubbed my eyes and tried to stretch out my arms but Luke's tight grip didn't allow me too. I looked up at him to see that he had also fallen asleep. I smiled slightly. I studied his relaxed facial features until my eyes wandered down to his tattoos. The first thing that caught my eye was the Janoskians dog logo that was printed in his v-line. My eyes scanned over his perfect abs and up to the familiar Lion King imagines that reminded me of when I was younger. I looked at the interesting pattern that was printed on Luke's arm before I noticed the words that were on his chest. "If you can't, you must. If you must, you can." I lifted my hand and slowly let my fingers trail over the words.
"Well hello beautiful." I looked up to see Luke smiling at me. I smiled back.
"Hi." I whispered, my hand still over the words on his chest.
"How did you sleep?" Luke asked.
"Wonderfully" I spoke. "And you?"
"Perfect." He said before leaning down and gently pressing a kiss to my lips. I smiled.
"Have you checked twitter recently?" Luke asked, picking up his phone. I shook my head no. "Well check." He said with a bit of mystery in his voice. I was confused but picked up my phone to look at twitter. My lock screen was filled with notifications from twitter. I looked through them quickly and saw that Luke had tweeted something with a picture. I opened it and saw a picture of Luke and I. My smile grew bigger and I looked up at Luke, who lightly kissed me on the nose.
"I want to take you on a date." He whispered.
"Okay. When?" I asked quietly.
"Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at 8." I nodded. Luke started to lean in towards me but stopped when his phone began to ring. He looked down at the lit phone and stood from the bed.
"I..uh..I think I should go now. Beau just called and I have to call him back because we need to discuss tour and stuff and..."
"Luke, it's fine." I say with a smile.
"Are you sure?" I nod yes. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Luke asks, putting his damp clothes back on. I nod yes again. "Oh, and wear something fancy." He said with a smirk before walking out the front door of the apartment.
Hiii!!! I hope you all liked this chapter. I was kind of suffering from writers block while writing this so I'm sorry that this wasn't long. Ok well tell me whatcha think. I'll try to update again in the next few days. Love y'all. Bye! :) ~Kayla

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