Chapter 24

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*Taylor's POV*
"So you're the Taylor girl who Luke won't stop talking about?" Beau said to me as him, Luke and I sat on the couch in there living room.
"Yeah I guess I am." I said with a smile. I looked over at Luke who's face had turned bright red.
"He never stops talking about you!" Beau said. I giggled.
"Shut up!" Luke said, punching Beau in the arm.
"Ow! I'm just saying the truth." Beau said, rubbing his arm. I laughed as the two of them argued.
"Hey Luke? Do you have my..." Jai walked into the room but stopped speaking when he noticed me sitting there.
"Jai this is Taylor. Taylor, Jai." Luke said.
"Nice to meet you." I said, giving Jai a small wave.
"You're Taylor!!" Jai said loudly. "Luke won't stop talking about you!" I laughed.
"She knows that already!" Luke said with a red face and rolling his eyes. I smiled before giving Luke a gentle kiss on the cheek. He smiled at me before turning his attention back towards Jai.
"What were you looking for?" Luke asked him.
"I was looking for my grey beanie but I see that she has it." Jai said pointing to the hat on my head. I took it off my head and fixed my hair quickly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know. You can have it back." I said handing him the beanie. He shook his head no. "It's fine. You keep it." He said. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I put the beanie back on my head and fixed my hair again.
"It's my beanie anyway." Luke spoke. The sound of arguing from Luke and Jai began and I tried not to laugh at the comical scene in front of me.
"I don't want you to leave tomorrow." Luke spoke softly as his fingers gently ran through my hair.
"I don't want to leave either. I've had so much fun here." I said. I've been in Melbourne for a week and tomorrow I would be going back to New York. The whole trip has been nothing but fun. Like and I spent every minute of everyday together and I didn't want it to end.
Luke wrapped his arms tightly around him as I rested my head on his chest. We laid in Luke's bed cuddling, for what felt like forever.
"I have to finish packing." I finally mumbled. Luke an I stood from the bed and packed the rest of my belongings into my suitcase.
When everything was packed, I stood in front of Luke.
"I'll miss you so much." He whispered. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"We still have tonight." I said before gently kissing his lips.
"I know but..." Luke began speaking but I cut his words off.
"Lets get ready for bed ok?" I spoke softly. Luke nodded his head. I separated from Luke and reached into my bag. I took out a large T-shirt and shorts. I pulled the shirt I was currently wearing, over my head and threw it into my suitcase. I was about to unhook my bra when I felt Luke gently grip my waist from behind. He ran his hands up and down my bare skin,causing goosebumps on my stomach. He took a step closer and held my body against his. He leaned down towards my ear.
"I love you, Taylor." He whispered before kissing my neck. I closed my eyes. Luke continued to kiss my neck as his hands wandered down towards my jeans. He carefully undid the button and I slowly slid them down my legs. I turned around in his arms and looked at him. He down at me with curious eyes. My hand reached up and pulled his face down to kiss me. As I kissed him, I slid my other hand under his shirt. My hand ran up and down his abs until I reached his pants. My fingers wrapped around the band of his sweatpants. I began to slide them down when Luke stopped me and separated from the kiss.
"We don't have to." He whispered.
"I know." I said quietly. "I want to." Luke gave me a slight smile before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kissed him again as he gently laid me down on his bed. Luke pulled his shirt off and slide his sweatpants down before climbing on top of me. He held himself above me and leaned down to kiss me.
"Are you sure?" He spoke softly. I nodded my head yes. He unhooked my bra, throwing it to the floor. His hands ran down my body and came to my panties. He slid them off of me and I closed my eyes, bracing myself for what would happen this night.
Hey everyone! It's been a while but I have finally update! I've just been really busy with school and dance and when I don't have something to do then I'm just too lazy to do anything but don't think that I haven't forgotten but you guys. I'm sad to say that I think this story will be over soon:( I have a few more chapters in mind though. I want to thank you all for the support you've given me. I haven't been here in a while but you guys haven't left me and I really appreciate that. This chapter is dedicated to you guys. I hope you liked it and they finally had sex! Yay! Lol so you guys can like, comment, share whatever you want but I love y'all so much! :) xx ~Kayla


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