Chapter 25

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*Taylor's POV*
I laid back on my bed and held the phone to my ear. I smiled as Luke's voice came through the speakers as I listened to his voice mail.
"Hi babe. I know you're sleeping right now but I just wanted to say HAPPY SIX MONTHS!! I love you beautiful! Mwah!"
I blushed and smiled uncontrollably after listening to the message. He was so cute and sweet.
I sat up in my bed and opened my laptop. I quickly logged into Skype and called Luke. He answered immediately.
"Tayyy!" he cheered when the images loaded. I giggled.
"Hi Lukey! Happy six months!" I said. He smiled.
"I wish you were here so I could give you a big kiss!" he spoke. I blushed more, which I did a lot when talking to Luke.
"I'll be there next week for our concert." He said. "I want you to come."
I smiled but it soon faded away.
"I can't... I have to babysit my brother all next week because my mom has to go on some conference thing. I'm sorry Luke." I spoke softly. Disappointment filled his eyes.
"Maybe I'll see you after the concert." I said, trying to cheer him up. He sighed.
"We have to leave at like 5am the next morning to catch a plane to LA..."
"Oh... well then I'll see you another time..." I looked down at my hands in my lap as we sat in silence.
"I think I'm going to go to bed now Tay. It's 4am here and I'm really tired." Luke spoke. I nodded.
"Ok. Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too." He blew me a quick kiss before ending the call. I sighed and slammed my laptop shut.
*Luke's POV*
I stared out the airplane window and had my headphones on, blasting my music into my ears. I tried not to think about Taylor, but she was all I could think about. I wanted to see her. I wanted to hold her tightly in my arms while I was in New York for the day.
"LUKE!" I heard my name being called, breaking me from my thoughts. I turned sideways and saw James sitting next to me. I took my headphones off to hear what he was saying.
"You ok, dude? You've been kind of off lately." I shrugged.
"I don't know... I miss Taylor." James looked at me confused.
"Doesn't she live in New York? Aren't we going to New York?!" he asked. I nodded.
"Yeah but I won't get to see her. She has to babysit and won't have time." I sighed. James leaned back a bit in his seat.
"Well who knows? you never know what will happen." James said before turning his attention to his phone. I put my headphones back on and looked back out the window, loosing myself in my thoughts.
*Taylor's POV*
"Taylor!! I'm hungry!" my little brother yelled from his bedroom. I stood up from the couch in the living room and walked into the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat?" I called to him.
"Food!" he shouted. I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic reply. I looked inside the kitchen cabinets to see what was inside. I pulled out a box of cereal and a bowl but was interrupted by the door bell ringing. I ran out of the kitchen and to the door. I swung it open and saw Grace standing on the other side. She smiled widely.
"Hi."I said to her as she walked inside, closing the door behind her. She plopped down on the couch.
"How's babysitting?" she asked, already knowing the answer. I gave her a sharp glare.
"Horrible." I said and sat next to her.
"Won't you rather be doing something more fun?" she asked. "Like going to a Janoskians concert?!" She pulled a ticket to the boys show out of her pocket and shoved it in my face.
"What?!" I yelled excitedly. I grabbed the ticket from her and smiled, but my smile quickly faded.
"I can't go. I'm babysitting devil child remember?" I said and stood from the couch. Grace smiled.
"And that's where your best friend comes in because I will be here while you are there." She pointed to the ticket. I looked up at her with amazement.
"You're kidding me right?!" I asked.
"No Taylor! you're going and you're going to see Luke!" she yelled. I smiled uncontrollably before wrapping Grace in a huge hug.
"I love you! thank you thank you thank you!" I cheered.
"Not a problem. Now go get ready! the concert starts in an hour!" she said before pushing me up the stairs to my room.
I threw off my old sweatpants and slid into a pair of dark skinny jeans. I put on a light blue tank top and a beige cardigan. I slipped my black vans on before running to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. I quickly brushed and curled my hair before touching up my foundation and mascara. I sprayed myself with perfume before grabbing my purse and phone. I ran down the stairs and stood in front of Grace.
"Is this ok?" I asked nervously. She smiled.
"You look great! Did you tell Luke you're coming?" she asked. I shook my head.
"I'm going to surprise him." I said blushing.
"Well then get going!" Grace said and nudged me towards the door. I ran towards the door and swung it open.
"Thanks again!" I called before running out of my house and towards the subway.
IT TOOK ME THREE DAYS TO WRITE THIS AND IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!!! idk why I was typing in caps but whatever. Ok so I hope you liked it but I have some bad news....the next chapter will most likely be the next chapter :( it's really upsetting because I've loved writing this story for you guys but I'll try to work on another story about the boys. If anyone has any suggestions for me about new stories just message me because any thing is useful. I honestly love you all so much and thank you so much for your support! :) xx ~Kayla

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