Chapter 13

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*Taylor's POV*

Luke and I stood holding hands in front of Aly's apartment since thats where the party was. The loud music was able to be heard from the other side of the door. I looked at Luke who smiled at me.

"Ready girlfriend?" He asked.

I giggled a little and then nodded. The thought of really being Luke Brooks girlfriend made me happy.

I turned the knob of the apartment door and swung it open. The smell of alcohol immediately hit me and the loud music filled my ears. People danced in the middle of the room and groups of people making out were around them. Everyone looked pretty drunk.

"TAYLOR!" I heard my name being called in the opposite direction.

I turned around and saw Aly sloppily walking towards me.

"Oh my god Taylor! I'm so glad you came!" She yelled in my hear and leaned on my shoulder. She was obviously wasted.

I noticed Luke looking at Aly, trying not to laugh at her as she made a fool of herself.

"Is this Luke?!" She shouted over the music, walking towards him.

"Yeah. Aly this is Luke. Luke this is Aly." I said introducing them.

Luke smiled and gave a small wave.

"He's even cuter in person" Aly tried whispering to me.

Luke laughed since he was able to hear her.

"What's so funny?" Aly slurred.

"Nothing. Go lay down Aly." I smiled and pushed her onto the couch.

She couldn't stop giggling as she fell onto the plush couch.

I looked at Luke who was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Let's find Grace." I said and took his hand as we went into the kitchen.

We swung the kitchen door open and scanned over the room. The kitchen counters were filled with beer bottles and red solo cups. A few people seemed to be passed out on the floor and someone was looking through the refrigerator.

"Grace?" I asked to the figure rummaging through the fridge.

The refrigerator door shut and my best friend appeared.

"Taylor!" She cheered as she tackled me in a hug. I laughed and hugged her back.

"What were you doing in there?" I asked, pointing to the fridge, when we separated from our hug.

"Oh I was looking for some water or soda or anything to drink besides beer." She said. I nodded in understand meant since I knew Grace didn't drink.

"Oh my god! You're Luke Brooks!!!" Grace yelled as she looked behind me. Luke smiled and nodded.

"I'm guessing you're a fan?" He laughed. Grace shrugged and tried to act cool.

"Eh I've seen a few of your videos. You're all right." She said. I burst into laughter and nudged Grace in the shoulder.

"Grace, he knows that we're fan girls." I say. She looks at me with wide eyes before looking at Luke, who nods his head in agreement with me.

"Oh well in that case, can I have a hug and a picture for my fangirl twitter?" She asked.

"Of course." Luke said before posing for a picture with Grace which I quickly took using my iPhone. He then wrapped his arms around Grace giving her a quick, friendly hug.

"Why doesn't my own 'boyfriend' give me a hug?" I asked putting air quotes around boyfriend and giggling.

"Aww is someone jealous?" Luke teased. I gave a small puppy dog face and nodded. Luke reached his arms out and wrapped his strong arms around my small body. Grace, the party, everything around us seemed to just stop and it felt like only Luke and I were there. I felt safe and warm in his arms. I never wanted him to let me go.


I'm sorry that this was a short, and almost unnecessary chapter but I kind of needed a filler but soon, I promise soon, big things are going to happen!! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and feel free to comment, like, fan, message, share or anything else. Thanks. I love you all. Happy reading :) ~Kayla

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