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The first chapter of Rowan's life is now officially over! I will be doing some minor editing to this book, and then will start the next pretty soon. First I need to come up with a good Avengers plot, as to not copy  Agent Hel and Loving Him.

Anyways, comment HERE  of you want me to PM you when the new book is up. Most likely I will continue it in this book, so just add it to your archive. If I do create a totally new book I will post a part on here saying so.

Anyways, thank you for making this my most successful book. With 20-something K reads, it's is not only my most read but my most voted as well, I believe. So thank you all for being such great supporters and commenting on my chapters. Your words of encouragement always make my day.

So depending on how long it takes me to come up with a plot, the next installment will (okay, should) be up within the next month, at the latest. If you have any ideas, please let me know, but it had to follow the plot of the Avengers. Unless you guys want me to do a like one shots of what went on between now and then of training and missions, et cetera.

Sooo let me know what you think, whether about the new plot, or if I should write one shots or a book of her adventures between now and then, or about this book in general.

Oh and if you want anything to read between now and then, I have a couple marvel fics you can try. There's Agent Hel, and it's sequel, Living Him, about Loki's daughter Hela. There is also Winter's First Bloom, a Bucky's daughter fic.

Again, thank you all so much for sticking with me for this long! I love you all!

Until next time!

Mae :)

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