Chapter 16

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I walked slowly around the castle, wondering what my father could have gone off to do. I noticed a small light in the weapons vault. I followed my instincts, and walked in. There stood my father. He spun around as I entered, clearly surprised. "Rowan! What are you doing here?"

I shrugged, glancing at the floor, not wanting to give the wrong answer and be punished. "I saw the light, and...."

He have me a small smile.

"What are you doing, Daddy?" I stood on my tiptoes, trying to glance at what he was hiding, but with no avail.

"I'm simply eliminating a threat, Darling."

"What type of...."

"Its nothing, Darling. Nothing to be concerned about." I looked up at my new father, his eyes full of mixed emotions. "Rowan, why don't you go play with Queen Frigga? I'll be back soon, alright?"

I shrugged, turning away and leaving my father in peace.

3rd Person POV on Earth

Thor glared up at the large metal war machine. He knew why it was here. He knew who had sent it. And he knew what it was meant to do.

"LOKI!" He yelled. The machine turned to face him, the sun glinting off the metal, nearly blinding the Asguardian Prince. "Take me if you must, but these people are innocent."

Thor took several steps closer to the giant. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, brother." The machine didn't falter. It backhanded him across the way, leaving a growing red mark upon the Prince's face.

Fandrall, Sif, Volstagg, and Hogun paused, glancing at their prince, their friend. They had already taken several swings at the giant before Thor had. But it was now their job to keep the citizens of this Midguardian town safe and away from the battle. So they looked on as their friend was beaten up, rushing to evacuate the mortals, and holding Thor's lover, Jane Foster, back.

"I'm sorry, brother." Thor said, softly. He had given up on trying. He watched as the monster turned. He could feel his life force draining. He was dying. His strength had failed.

That was until mjolnir came flying out of the clouds.

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