Chapter 6

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Loki's POV

As soon as Rowan fell asleep,  I scooped her up and carried her back to her room. Brushing my lips on her forehead, I muttered, "Sweet Dreams," then turned on my heel and left.

"Rowan adores you."

I was reaching for the door leading to my chambers when I heard my mother speak.

I nodded slowly as I turned around. "I never noticed." I said softly, frowning.

My mother looked slightly surprised.

"She ran to you when she was scared. You can see it in her eyes when she looks at you, talks about you. It's adorable, actually."

I nodded slightly at my mother's words, trying to recall the way Rowan acted  around me. She smiled when I gave her attention, and she grew sad when she had to leave. I had assumed she didn't want to do more chores, but the answer was much simpler than that.

I looked into my mother's eyes.

"You think she..."

Frigga nodded.

"She loves you."

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