Chapter 7

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I was minding my own business in my room when Mrs Greene came pounding on my door for the third time that day. This time, however, it was a request, not a chore.

"Rowan, King Loki requests your presence." I was so ecstatic that Loki wanted me that I completely overlooked the fact that he had seemingly been promoted.

I entered the great hall just as three men were ushering a lady out. I recognized then as Sif and the warriors three. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the throne room.

I was greeted by a frowning Loki. When he saw me, his eyes lit up, and he gave me a small smile, which I immediately returned. I would do anything for the Prince.

Loki's POV
The day before

There was a thought nagging in the back of my mind. Why did the Jotun not burn me as it had to Volstag? What made me any different? Slipping into the armory, I made immediately for the source of their powers. The casket of Winters.

Gripping the handles tightly, I felt an unfamiliar chill in the pit of my stomach and my hands turned numb.


It was Odin. I had called him my father, up until this point of my life. While he had never loved me as much as mother Frigga had, he was my blood, that much I had accepted. But when my skin had turned blue, I started to doubt that theory.

"What am I?" I spat at my "father". His reply was simple, and full of a childish love.

"You are my son."

"What more than that?" his answers were anything but straight forward, completely avoiding the point. I was blue. Blue like a Jotun.

Then it hit me.

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