Chapter 23

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I was in bed for only three days. After that, the man, whose name I had learned was Fury, allowed for me to be up and walk around the white room I resided in. The room was quaint, and had a hard bed, small bookshelf, and plenty of excess medicines the doctors ordered me to take.

I spent my time thinking, hoping, praying that my Loki had fallen into the same realm as me. But when no news came, I was suckered into believing he was dead, or had fallen into another realm. Praying it wasn't Helheim, I sat down, opening one of the books, and began to read.

It had only been a matter of seconds before Fury came knocking, his arms full of clothes. I has been wearing a thin blue gown, with a wide open back ever since waking up. But the clothes he gave me were clean, and looked rather odd.

"These are for you." Fury said, dumping them on the foot of my bed. "Get dressed and cleaned up, and I'll take you to meet someone."

Excited to get out of the claustrophobic room, I took immediately to examining the garments. I settled on a large green shirt and a pair of pants that somewhat resembled the leggings I had owned back home. I got dressed, and walked the five paces to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and ran a comb through my hair before leaving it to hang on my shoulders. I slipped on a pair of boots with laces, and knotted them carefully before grabbing a bag and tucking the belongings I had acquired into them, nearly placing it on my bed.

"Follow me, Miss." A woman with short brown hair opened the door and grabbed my bag before leading me out of my room and into a large corridor. It was filled with people clad in black armor-like suits, and buzzed with noise.

I followed the woman down a set of steps and out a large door, where an odd machine waited. I could see Fury already inside. I hurried over to the door, and Fury pulled me up. "This is a helicopter." He explained. "It can fly to places."

I gasped, strapped myself in, and stared out the window as we took off, and hovered into the air. "Wow." Was all I could make out. It was amazing.

Before long, we landed on top of a large building, and as the varying sound slowed, Fury jumped down onto the landing deck, and gestured for me to do the same. I followed him through a doorway, where we were greeted by a voice.

"Mr. Stark, Director Fury has arrived."

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