Chapter 4

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I awoke the next day, my head leaning against Prince Loki's leg. He had apparently fallen asleep leaning against the wall, unmoving from last night. I smiled at the thought.

Sitting up, I slid off of the bed and onto the floor. Loki must have felt me do this, for as soon as my bare feet touched the cold ground, he had already sat up and was stretching.

"Goodmorning, Prince Loki." I said brightly, smiling as I pulled my boots on.

The prince yawned and smiled back. "Ah, Rowan! Nice to see you up and smiling!" Jumping, my stomach let out a loud growl. Loki laughed, his green eyes radiating pure joy.

"Hungry much?"

After stuffing myself in the dining hall, I followed Prince Loki out into the gardens. I had never seen so many flowers. During my many bouts of exploring while my father worked, I was never allowed to come here, for the royals spent their time here and did not wish to be disturbed. But since a royal had been taking care of me since last night, I figured I counted.

I spied Prince Loki on a bench and made my way over to him. He patted the space next to him, indicating for me to sit down. I did as I was told.

"Rowan, I've been thinking.." Loki started, running his hand through his slick black hair. "The Allfather has allowed for you to become a servant in the palace. I can't watch over you, not now, anyways. But I could keep my eye on you."

My smile slid off if my face.

"Rowan." Prince Loki lifted my chin up, turning my head so I looked into his eyes. "I can't keep you forever." I nodded, holding back my tears. Loki gave me a hug, before he got up to give me a tour of the servants quarters.

I knew it was selfish, wanting to stay with the prince, and an unrealistic dream. But it had seemed so possible. I choked on tears as I thought of the worry on his face when I had disappeared, the smile he had worn ever since I had woken up.. There was no way I could ever have ended up staying with the prince. Not a peasent like me.

He showed me the servants quarters, and the room that was to be my own. He brought me a stack of clothes that would fit my slim frame, and introduced me to the head if the servants, a plump old lady named Mrs Greene.

Loki left after Mrs Greene gave me my first assignment-bringing a paper bag of lunch to the stable boys, telling me that I could find him whenever I needed him. That made me forget my worries until that might, as I lay awake in my bed, sleep seeming more of a dream than a reality.

That night, my father haunted my sleep,  whispering to me, his voice ringing in my ears everywhere I turned.

I woke up, my sheets wrapped around my body, constricting me from any movement. After I untangled myself, I sat in bed, sobbing silently until Mrs Greene came along, pounding on our doors to wake us up.

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