Chapter 2

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Loki's POV

My heart leapt as the little girl reached for me. I picked her up gently as she buried her face into my chest. I smiled slightly. She looked so innocent in my arms, like a girl who had never seen the true horrors of the world, rather than a young child who had just lost her father.

Snuggling her closer to my body, I turned towards my brother and father, who were having a heated argument. They took one look at the girl laying in my arms, and shut up.

"I'm taking her to my Chambers." I told them as they snapped their open jaws shut. "She needs rest."

Odin nodded at me, stepping aside so I could pass. Hugging the girl close to my body, I set off towards my room.

Rowan (the little girl's) POV

I woke up on an unfamiliar bed. I was tucked nearly under a white silk sheet and a green quilt. Sitting up, I glanced around the room, my eyes finding a corner where Prince Loki sat in an armchair, fast asleep, and lightly snoring. I giggled at the snoring prince.

Slipping off of the bed, I headed out of the large door, and towards the front doors of the palace.

The hallways were dark, and I shivered involuntarily, my mind drifting to dwell on what creatures might be hiding in the dark. Frightened, I began to run, turning this way and that, scared of the wind whispering through my hair as out flew behind me.

I slowed down, as I neared a figure holding a candle. Queen Frigga. Afraid of what she would ask if she saw me, I slipped into the shadows once again.

Turning in a circle, I found that I was lost. I was lost on the Palace of Asgard, with no place to go.

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