Chapter 15

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I woke up snuggled tightly next to my father. His strong arms were wrapped around my torso, my head pressed into his bare chest. "Ah, Darling, you're awake." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"No I'm not."

Then I felt myself being lifted into the air. I squealed, wildly kicking my legs. "No fair!" I whined. "That's cheating, Daddy!" But he only chuckled, continuing to lift me above his head.

He finally put me down, and showed me to run into my adjacent chambers so I could get dressed and ready for breakfast.

I returned to his quarters clothed in a light purple dress that Dad then said brought out my eyes. I grinned at the praise, and took his hand, pulling him down towards the dining room, my stomach growling loudly.

We met Queen Frigga there, and the three of us sat happily eating the fruits that were served to us.

Loki's POV

I watched silently as Rowan laughed with my "mother". Finding out my true heritage had completely altered my reality. The only thing I could depend on was Rowan.

I ate the food served to me silently, picking at bites and eating very little. Once Rowan was done eating, I instructed her to stay with Frigga while I went out. She nodded hesitantly, looking at me, her inquisitive eyes full of worry and longing. I kissed her forehead before leaving, taking one last look at my daughter before heading down the golden hall.

I had the rest of the morning to fine tune my plan. It was quite simple. Kill Thor. Eliminate him, and I would inherit the throne. Simple. Then I would be King, and Rowan would have the best life possible, as a Princess of Asguard, the next heir of the throne.

I waited until noon before launching the weapon to Earth, down to where Thor was spending his time goggling over a mortal. He wouldn't stand a chance, not without his powers of Mjolnir. (sp.?)

It only took a minute to locate the witless oaf. Once the creature came within range, I gave the metal monster its instructions, and watched as the show began.  

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