Chapter 1

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I could feel the heavy pounding of footsteps drawing near. Then I heard a voice. Prince, no, King Thor's voice.

I wasn't listening to what our king had to say as he looked over the dead bodies of our soldiers, and my father. I was frightened, and sad, and nothing the king said could bring my father back. Nothing.

I heard the sharp swishing of fabric, and felt gaze on my shoulders. Slowly lifting my head off of my knees, I met Prince Loki's line of sight with my own green eyes. We started at each other for a moment, each drinking in the other's appearance. Then I started to cry.

Once the tears started, there was no stopping them until I had run out. And that would not come any time soon.

Prince Loki took a cautious step towards me, reaching out slightly, as if to grab my small frame. I retreated father back, pressing my spine against the wall, pulling my knees in as tightly as possible. The prince looked ashamed at having scared me, but didn't stop his movement forwards.

Kneeling infront of me, he took two fingers, and placing then under my chin, he lifted up my jaw, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Don't cry." He murmured. "Darling it's all right."

Those soothing words only brought back images I had been trying to suppress. My father. My long dead mother. Memories.

Vivid images danced past my eyes, each appearing for a second on a bright flash of color, vanishing before I could reach out and grab then, relive them.

The Prince's worried face flitted across my mind again, andI forced myself to look into his worried eyes. Crying, I reached out to him.

Two strong arms picked me up, tucking my quivering frame into the side of a body. I knew it was Price Loki, for as I heard him speak, the chest my head was buried in vibrated with every word.

"Chambers, rest."

I met black oblivion again, this time, with nothing to wake up for.

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