Chapter 8

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I looked expectantly at the king. "Yes, sire?" I asked, hoping to draw him from his thoughts. He blinked and his eyes focused on me again, the green boring into my forehead as I stared at the ground.

" Rowan." He began softly, rubbing his creased forehead. He looked tired and worn, as of his first day as King was already wearing him down.

"I don't know how to say this." He continued, taking several steps towards me. My heart was racing. Say what?

"Rowan, I...... " He straightened up, clearing his throat. "As king, I have taken it unto myself to be sure you are raised properly. With that being said, you don't deserve to be a servant. Would you like to live with me in the palace?"

My eyes widened in shock. I buried my face into the king's chest, sobbing. He slowly began to rub my back, awkwardly at first, but he caught on.

After a few minutes I pulled away, whipping my blotchy red eyes.

"What do you think?" The king asked softly.

I smiled sheepishly and murmured, "Yes."

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