Chapter 9

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On my first day as Princess, I stuck close to King Loki. Wherever he went out, I stuck close to Queen Frigga. I hid when visitors came to visit him. I was an outcast, a servant until one day ago. How could they see me as a part of the royal family?

King Loki had left several hours ago for some "fresh air." I was starting to get worried. He had never been out for so long, and for such little of a reason.

A cold chill fell over me. I was in a satin nightgown, my red hair braided back. I shivered, and climbed out of bed, reaching for the window latches, ready to snap them shut and fall back to sleep. But the window was secure.

That worried me. In all of my years visiting the palace, it had never once been cold. Peeking out into the hallway, I saw a pale blue light emanating from a the hallway as it faded into dark. I heard the unmistakeable crack of ice, and saw the eerily red eyes. Frost Giants had gotten into Asgard.

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