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I'm really sorry for the slow updates. I was going to update today, but a last minute soccer practice got I'm my way. It want with my team, I was making it up, so I could miss one this Thursday.  Then I come home and we get an email saying one of the girls on my soccer team had gone missing.

It's strange. We aren't on a bad part of town or anything, and she had never looked at acted as if she was having any problems at home.

My mom said she's probably just at a friends house. Whatever she is, I hope she's safe.

So ya, I guess you could say i've had an eventful Monday. I probably won't be able to update until Thursday at the earliest. I have a soccer tournament this coming weekend, but then I'm off for Thanksgiving, so expect lots of updates them.

So I'm kinda stressed. Thank you for all of your support for me and this story. I love you all.

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