Chapter 18

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I glanced up from my seat next to Grandfather as the door bust open and in stormed Prince Thor. I stared at him expectantly, but he had eyes only for his brother.

"Loki! Care to tell our mother how you sent the Destroyer to kill me?"

I froze. Things weren't adding up right. The destroyer would have been in the Weapons Vault. And Dad had said he was 'eliminating a threat'. Maybe he had meant his brother. But why? Why kill Prince Thor, if your own actions would spark his return? Why try to kill your own brother, who loved and protected you since childhood? Sure, Thor wasn't Dad's real brother, but their relationship was much like mine was. Adopted. But why did he feel the need to kill those who had once loved him?

My father had never talked about Prince Thor. I had tried asking once, but he simply drew up some fake tears, saying that it was to hard for him to talk about. And it probably was, knowing that he would have to kill his own flesh and blood.

The two brothers exchanged several sharp words before Thor lost it. He hurled his hammer towards his younger brother, who flew beyond a wall.

I screamed, jumping to my feet and watching as Thor left the room in pursuit of his brother. I glanced teary-eyed at Grandmother before leaping up and sprinting out the door after them.

My whole body screamed with adrenaline as I raced out the palace doors, through the small town, and out onto the Bifrost. By the time I had reached the bridge, however, the brothers were already fighting. And no matter how hard or how loud or shrilly I screamed, Daddy didn't turn my way. He didn't look nor listen to me.

Through the door to the bifrost I could see a giant tree blooming in the middle, made entirely of ice.


The tree of life didn't seem to be giving out priceless breaths to anyone though. It looked rigged to destroy anything it wanted to. Anything it was ordered to. Ordered to by my father, the King. My father, who was soon to be a murder of thousands of helpless creatures as he blew up their entire planet. A murder of his own kin.

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