Chapter 12

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My birthday present to you: another update, yaaaaaaaay!! Ya, todays my 14th birthday, whoop whoop!

The next day passed without an incident. Lok....Daddy and I ate breakfast with Queen Figga, and went out to the gardens. We ate lunch, and visited ths rainbow bridge. We had dinner, and he read me a story, the way my real Dad used to. My new life with the Loki was everything I could have wished.

The next day, however, the King wasn't at breakfast, or lunch, and took dinner on his room. I was forced to eat with the queen, not that I minded, but I missed my daddy.

The next day was the same. I withered away the hours of day by reading a book on magic, and experimenting to see if it would work, like daddy. Maybe he'd be proud of me of I could do it, so proud he'd come to dinner, and laugh and play with me again, as he used to.

But the magic never came.

It had been about a week since the death of my father, and I was beginning to miss my old life. I missed my fathers smile, his good natured laugh. I missed how he smelled of pine trees and gardens, every day after work. I missed how he'd read me stories in different voices, and play make-believe with me when I was bored and my friends were away. I missed my old daddy, and the hole that Loki was leaving was making the pain harder to ignore.

One night, after Queen Frigga had tucked me into bed, Loki came in to bid me goodnight.

But the second he entered the room, I hid under the covers. "Do you not like me anymore?" I asked, my voice breaking as thick tears slid down my face.

"Of course I still like you, Rowan. You're my new daughter. I love you." I felt him sit down at the foot of my bed.

"Then why did you leave, Daddy?"

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