Chapter 22

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The man stared at me, his good eye wide with curiosity. "So you're an alien. Like this, Thor you speak of." I nodded excitedly. He was catching on rather quickly. "You said Thor was banished, correct?" I nodded yet again. This man was good at remembering facts and details. "Does Thor happen to fight with a hammer?" I nodded again. "Them I think you aren't the first of your kind we've encountered.

"A week ago, we got this strange energy reading. When we had located and arrived at the spot there was a hammer sitting in the ground, and no man, nor machine could lift it. There was nothing we could do but wait, so we did. Then this large metal monster came down to Earth, wreaking havoc on a small city, when the hammer went flying into the air. A group of civilians told us that there was a man with a red cape and hammer who defeated the machine, with the help of four others who looked like something our of a renaissance fair."

The man paused, glancing at me. "That was Thor, alright." I said, and the man's face relaxed. "And Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. They meant no harm, Loki brought that."

The man froze, then tried to cover his mistake up. "The Norse God of Mischief and Lies." I nodded, my expression sour.

"He sought to destroy his brother, to become the King. But it didn't quite work out. He fell, just as I did. There is hope he may still be alive." The man's expression faltered as I said hope, but he didn't object.

"Very well, Rowan. There is no way for you to get back, is there?" I shook my head, my eyes filing with tears that I longed to hold back, prickling my eyes with the loss I had faced.

"No. The Bifrost has fallen. There is no way back."

The man nodded. "That's what I was afraid of." He said, allowing a small amount of sorrow to show on his expressionless face for my sake. "In that case, you must heal and I shall decide where you will go, child. For you could be a great ally on our side."

Fighting back drowsiness, I looked at the man. He resembled Odin in a way, with an eyepatch over one eye, a strong sense of power, and a want for the safety of his realm. "I will do whatever." I said, my eyelids drooping. "The Earth is my home now."

Hey guys, I just had a SUPER huge scare.....

I finally told my mom that I has a wattpad account, and I was so scared about how she was going to react.....but she talked to my Dad, and like most of you, I want to be an author when I grow up, and my Dad said that he supports me because this will make me a better writer.

But yeah, that was terrifying. Anyways, they haven't even asked for the details, ask they know right now is that I write this stuff, and I'm sooooooo  happy they won't make me delete my account!

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