29 - daybreak

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Raphael Hamato
I'm not mad at you
I promise

Raphael Hamato
But I think we should talk.

Raphael Hamato

Raphael Hamato
You gave me space before when I needed it
I'll try to do the same for you now

Raphael Hamato
Just one more thing

Raphael Hamato
I don't want us to stop being friends

* * * * *

Captain Leo
It wasn't your fault he found out
You did everything you could
I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Captain Leo
You don't have to reply if you don't want to
But you're always welcome to.

Captain Leo
Just...please be alright
And take care of yourself.

* * * * *

Skater Traitor
Hey dudette
im real sorry
I didnt mean to spill your secret :((
I didnt realize it was a secret :(((((

Skater Traitor
im really sorry again

Skater Traitor
ICK misses you and so do all of us
Come back soon, ok?
I'll make you pancakes
And let you have all of my pizza
For the next month
Pinky promis!

Skater Traitor

Skater Traitor
Sry again
Donnie says i should probably leave you alone now so i will
Sorry if I bothered you.

* * * * *

Machine Man
Hey [F/N]
Haven't seen you around for a few days, but I hope you're doing alright

Machine Man
Remember when I showed you the emotions map thing?
I took a look at Raph's over the past few months recently, and, well

It's easier if I just show you my graphs

[ Machine Man has sent multiple image attachments]

Machine Man
So if you notice, there are two separate blobs of pink, magenta, and purple
The second blob developed around the time you first came to stay with us
Indicating general attraction or interest
Not sure if the smaller one is platonic or romantic at this stage
And then as the months go by, one of the blobs grows and the color mixes more, becoming more unclear as to what emotion it is. Generally it's a positive one though

Machine Man
Around the time Raph breaks up with Mona Lisa, one of the blobs shifts constantly, before becoming smaller permanently
But the second one is still pretty big

Machine Man
What I'm trying to say is

Machine Man
He loves you, [F/N]
In some way or form
He loved you before he even realized.
And even if it's not in the way you wanted
It's still something, right?

* * * * * *

"You know," April said gently from the doorway. "You're gonna have to come out eventually."

"I like men," you confessed into your pillow.

"Not what I meant, but okay." You heard her walking towards you, and the bed creaking and shifting as she sat down. You rolled away from her, still clutching the pillow to your face.

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now