"What?!" Raph demanded. "Whaddya mean, I have to answer a bunch of questions from random readers?!"
"I don't understand what you don't understand," the author said cheerfully. "Also, be nice, because most, if not all, of these readers like you."
"So? Doesn't mean I'm obligated to like them," Raph grumbled, folding his arms.
"Hey!" [F/N] complained. "You better be nice, 'cause all of those readers are me!"
"So?" Raph asked, smirking. [F/N] gasped and swatted him. "You —"
"There are too many [F/N]s," Donnie whined. "Our brains are not meant to handle this many versions of the same person —"
"Can we just please hurry up and get this done?" Leo asked, always sensible and wanting to stop this from turning into another random bonus chapter.
"Ohhh, Lameonardo," Raph sighed, trying to fend off [F/N]'s attacks. "Why did you have to remind the author that I have to answer questions?"
For Raph:
Antisepticplier123 asks: "Have you ever thought [F/N] was beautiful?"
"I have!" Mikey piped up enthusiastically. "'Cause all my friends are good-lookin'! Even if they're not actually, they become good-lookin' by being friends with me!"
"Uh...thanks, Mikey," [F/N] replied, uncertain if it was actually a compliment. Fortunately, Leo was a willing translator of 55% Mikeyspeak, and confirmed, "Don't worry, it's a compliment."
"And an ego boost to himself," Donnie added.
"Guys, Raph has to answer," the author reminded them.
Raph frowned.
"Raph," the author said sternly.
Raph scowled.
"Raph." Now Leo spoke.
Raph folded his arms.
"Raph." Leo and the author spoke at the same time, and crossed their arms back at Raph in unison.
Raph, mildly creeped out, surrendered. The author and Leo both chuckled in a slightly evil way. (Only slightly.)
"Alright, alright," Raph grumbled. "So...have I thought [F/N] was beautiful, huh? Well...no, not really..."
[F/N] gasped again. "You —"
"I mean, she basically looks normal," Raph continued, talking over [F/N]. "She's not ugly or anything. She's just not shockingly gorgeous. But..."
"But what?" the author prompted.
Raph seemed uncomfortable. "You know what? Forget it."
"Answer the question," the author threatened, pointing a weapon called "the-author-controls-everything-and-can-make-bad-stuff-happen-to-you" at him.
Raph sighed. "Fine. Sometimes, when she smiles or laughs or something, she looks more than normal."
The other turtles snickered. [F/N] blinked. "....huh?"
"But that doesn't mean anything!" Raph hurriedly added. He turned toward his brothers and raised a fist. "Got that, you shell brains?!"
"And there are no more questions, so bye," the author quickly concluded. "You can comment questions in the previous chapter, which is always open! Until I close it! And please do ask questions, because we need to torture dis boi here! Mmkay, bye for realz~"

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfiction"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...