update april 30, 2020 — i realized the original video i linked above had been removed, so i replaced it with a different link. this one probably won't get removed, considering it's posted by the official nickolodeon channel. if you get a notification saying that this chapter was published, that would be why :)
It was late morning when you woke up. Ugh.
You lay there for a moment, trying to recall last night's events, and remembered that Leo said he was taking you up to the surface to April's house. Groaning, you got up and dressed and headed out of your room.
There were some pancakes on the table in front of your seat, which was nice of the turtles to leave out for you. You ate them, glancing around the whole time and wondering where they were. Shouldn't they be playing video games or reading comics by now?
You got up and passed through the hallway where the bedrooms were again. You stopped at their doors, listening. There was absolutely no sound coming from any of them.
Where were they?
Distracted, you realized you were walking in circles and now you were in the kitchen again. You stopped by the refrigerator and boredly opened the freezer—
"GAH!" You slammed the freezer door shut and scrambled away. What the—?!
"Meow," came from the freezer.
You took a deep breath and opened the freezer again.
The ice cream cat smiled happily at you and meowed again.
"Are you really...?" You poked the cat with your finger, then licked the tip.
Yep. It was ice cream alright.
"Meow." The cat climbed—or more accurately, slithered—out of the freezer.
"Hey, uh—" you started, unsure if it should leave the freezer, but aware that you held no authority over it. Finally, you just grabbed the bowl it had been sitting in and followed it.
The dairy kitty took you down a corridor you had kind of ignored. As you continued down it with the cat, you began to make out noises, and you were vaguely reminded of how you'd found the turtles.
"Don't give up, Mikey!" Leo yelled.
"C'mon, Mikey, you can do it!" Donnie called.
Thump. "NO I—"
Thud. "Oof!" Mikey grunted. "No—I—can't," he finished. He sounded a little muffled, and also a little choked. You were concerned.
"It's alright, Mikester," Raph said mockingly. "No one's perfect."
"Meow!" The cat of ice cream yelled, speeding up ahead of you into the room. A moment later, there was a surprised yelp from Raph.
"Ice Cream Kitty?!" The turtles all said at once.
"How'd—you—get—out?" Mikey grunted.
You entered the room.
It was a large room, and for some reason, there was...a tree growing in the middle of it? Really? Underground? In the sewers?
"Sorry," you apologized. "That would be my fault. I opened the freezer, and, um, Ice Cream Kitty just climbed out."
"Ugh," Raph grunted this time, releasing Mikey. Mikey scooped Ice Cream Kitty up and shoved her back in the bowl.
"Good girl! You came to find me!" Mikey praised while running back to the freezer.
You eyed the rest of the turtles curiously. They all had their weapons.
"What are you guys doing?" you asked.
"Oh! This is just the training room," Leo explained. "So, uh, we were training."
"Thanks, Captain Obvious," Raph said snidely.
"Yeah!" Mikey agreed, re-entering the room. "Wait. If Raph called Leo Captain Leo, and he also called Leo Captain Ryan, and also Captain Ryan wannabe, and now Captain Obvious, does this make Leo...Captain Leo Ryan Ryan wannabe Obvious??"
The room was silent for a moment as everyone tried to figure out what the heck Mikey was trying to say, and then Donnie commented, "Mikey, that...that's not how math works."
Mikey thought for a moment, then shrugged and dropped it.
"So, training," you said, steering the conversation back to its original topic. "You guys do this...every day?"
"Well, I didn't get these muscles from sitting around all day," Raph remarked, flexing.
"Raph, no one cares about your muscles," Leo said, smacking his face with the palm of his hand.
"Can I do it too?" you asked.
"Do what? Do you—you want to care about Raph's muscles along with him...?" Leo asked in confusion, blinking.
"No, you idiot! Training!" you corrected. "Can I train with you guys?"
Raph laughed.
And just when I thought he was getting nicer...
"What?!" you snapped.
"You really think you can match our level?" he snorted.
"At least let me try! Or—I don't know—teach me or something!"
"That's ridiculous! Leo, we didn't agree to babysit someone!" Raph argued. How did every decision that was going to be made somehow end up being Leo's decision to make?
"I'm right here—" you started.
"Remember Timothy?" Raph interrupted, still staring at Leo.
"HEY—" Donnie interjected, nonexistent eyebrows furrowing.
"HEY GUYS!" Mikey shouted. When he had everyone's attention, he announced in a normal voice, "April just texted me. She asked if we're ever going to get there."
Oooohhhh, right. You'd almost forgotten that you were supposed to go to April's house today. To shower. And possibly other stuff.
"Right, right, of course," Leo agreed. Clearing his throat, he glanced significantly at you and Raph and said, "We'll settle the matter of [F/N] training when we get back."
Raph and you glowered at each other, but didn't argue with Leo as you headed out.
A/N: Ahh sorry, I got distracted while I was reading this so that's why it's a bit more...random than usual...but I feel like it matches the tone of the show, sooo...I'll just...leave it like this...
Bye! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave a comment!
(and there's a special thing coming up soon...heheh...so...something to look forward to..)

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfiction"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...