Thank goodness for Mikey.
If he wasn't there, you never would have figured out where the turtles had gone.
Fortunately (for you), Mikey had been spinning his nunchucks and accidentally hit Raph in the head with them. Raph had then retaliated.
In short, Mikey and Raph made a whole bunch of noise, causing the whole team to slow down and Leo and Donnie to separate and shush them, and making them much easier to locate. Poor Mikey didn't look so great when Raph was done with him, but it didn't look too serious either.
You walked behind them as quietly as you could, sticking to the shadows. It didn't take long before they started to climb up to a rooftop.
Raph was bringing up the rear of the group, sulking (probably because his revenge on Mikey had been cut short). He waited for the others to get to the roof, folding his arms.
Suddenly, your foot stumbled over an uneven stone in the alleyway. You managed to catch yourself, but you must have made some noise, because Raph seemed to hear and whipped his head around.
You were conveniently near some garbage cans, which by some miracle (made possible by the author), you had not crashed into them. You crouched behind them as well as you could and froze.
"Who's there?!" he demanded.
His green eyes glowered at you/the trash cans in the near-darkness.
Suddenly, a rat scurried out from nearby the garbage cans. You managed not to flinch.
He stared at it suspiciously, and probably would've further investigated, when Leo called from above, "Raph! Are you coming?"
"Yeah!" Raph yelled up, and started climbing up the wall.
"What's taking you so long?" Leo appeared in your line of view, looking over the edge of the roof of the building.
"Just...thought I heard something..." Raph muttered, swinging himself onto the roof. The two brothers walked away, their voices dwindling from your ears.
Phew. Deciding the coast was clear, you slunk out from behind the trash cans and began to look for another way up the roof—
"GOTCHA!" Someone tackled you from above. You fell backwards, the breath being knocked out of you.
The first thing you registered was that a sai was being pointed at your throat.
Your captor kneeled on you. With a pointy weapon in your face, it was kind of hard to get a good look, but something about his voice had seemed familiar...
"Who are you, and what do you want?!" he roared.
After a moment, you could make out green eyes.
After another moment, you registered a not-quite-human shape pinning you down.
With irritation, you realized it was Raph, and that this was the second time in less than 24 hours that he had you pinned.
The irritation wasn't overcome by fear (because, HELLO, POTENTIALLY LIFE-THREATENING SITUATION), however, and your voice squeaked more than you would have liked when you spoke.
Raph drew his sai away from your throat. "...F/n?"
"Uh. Yeah. It's me," you confirmed.
"What are you doing here?" Raph seemed more annoyed than angry now.
"Well, first...mind, uh...letting me up?" Now that you were sure he wasn't going to kill you (possibly on-purpose), you were kind of annoyed too.
Raph let you up, seeming unrepentant. He crossed his arms and giving you a suspicious look. "Well?"
"Raph! Who is it?" The others had gotten down from the roof and were running toward you now.
"It's just F/n," Raph answered Leo.
"F/n?" Leo paused, staring at you. "What...what are you doing here?"
You shrugged a little. "I mean...I heard you guys leaving, and—"
"Wait. How did you hear us leaving?" Leo cut in. "You were asleep."
You tilted your head at him.
"Uh. Right?" He didn't sound so certain anymore.
"Wrong," you corrected him.
"Um...did you, ah..." It was the first time you'd seen Leo like this—nervous and awkward.
"Well, I mean, you know...I did notice when you, Mikey, and Raph came to my room," you said.
"Sorry about that," Leo apologized sheepishly, chuckling awkwardly a little.
"It's okay." You smiled at Leo.
"Look, I hate to break this up, but why'd you follow us?" Raph interrupted.
You side-glanced at Raph. He looked annoyed, and maybe a touch...angry? And something couldn't quite place your hand on it.
Wait a minute.
Was it jealousy?
You shook your head mentally. No. No way. Raph would never be jealous of anything involving you. In fact, he seemed to hate you.
"I just wanted to see where you guys were going," you said matter-of-factly. "By the way...what's with the weapons you guys have? And why are you guys up here? What do you do?"
"Uh, yeah, see, the thing is..." Leo was itching his neck a little and looking away and chuckling a little again. He was clearly nervous.
"We're NINJAS!!" Mikey butted in enthusiastically. He pumped a fist in the air. "WOO!"
"Mikey!" the other three immediately scolded.
"Oops. Heh. Sorry, dudes."
You stared incredulously.
"Wait, so let me get this straight..." You put your hand to your forehead and rubbed it a little. "You guys"

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfiction"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...