"How are we still doing this?" Raph groaned, rubbing his hands over his eyes. "It's been like, what, two years? Give it a rest already, author!"
The author tapped a pencil against her chin, squinting. "Hm. Let me think. No."
"I'm not as deeply insulted by the questions as Raph is, but—shouldn't you be doing your math homework, author?" Donnie asked, peering at the unfinished sheet of paper on the author's desk. "Or—any homework in general? You have exams coming up—"
"Don't judge me!!"
"Wait, what does Raph mean it's been two years?" Mikey asked suddenly. "I'm pretty sure it hasn't been two years!! I feel the same!!"
No one answered Mikey's question. The Q+A session, after all, was not open to him.
LizzyAwesoms asked:
"Raph, if F/N and Donnie fell in love, would you be super jealous?"
"WHAT?! THEY'RE IN LOVE?! SINCE WHEN?!" Raph shouted.
"We're not in love, idiot!" [F/N] shouted back. "The question said if!"
"Oh. Oh. Okay." Raph clapped his hands over his mouth, closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply for a moment. After he had calmed down, he replied, "Of course I wouldn't be jealous. Of course not! I mean, I have a girlfriend! It'd be kinda weird, obviously—I mean, who thinks Donnie will ever stop pining over April or ever actually get a girlfriend—"
"—but I have no reason to be jealous. None at all. Nope." Raph nodded his head affirmatively. "Nope, I wouldn't be jealous at all."
"Cool," [F/N] said. She hugged herself for some reason, while every other character (and the author) squinted suspiciously at Raph. (Except for Mikey. He was squinting suspiciously at a bird outside the window, whispering, "Are you a government spy?" to it.)
"I wouldn't even be jealous if they sat next to each other on the couch and made fun of each other while also making fun of Space Heroes," Raph continued on. "Or if they cuddled on the couch. Or if they held hands. Or if he hugged her from behind while she was reading just because. Or if he watched over her because she's hurt or sick and trying to sleep it off and then kissed her on the forehead and brushed the hairs out of her face. Or if—"
"What," [F/N] said. It came out as more of a statement than a question.
"Did you actually do that?" Donnie asked.
Raph blinked at him. "No, of course not."
"He did do the first one," the author interjected, tapping her forehead. "But the rest are all hypothetical what-ifs he may or may not have had the urge to do."
"What? N-no! Why would you think that?! Maybe with Mona Lisa," Raph countered, folding his arms.
"You said 'brush the hairs out of her face,'" Donnie remarked. "Mona Lisa doesn't have hair."
"Sh-shut up! I've never had the urge to do any of that with [F/N] and I definitely wouldn't be jealous if Donnie did it instead!" Raph yelled, tightening his fists.
"Are you sure about that?" Donnie asked skeptically.
"You want to kiss me?" [F/N] asked at the same time, bewildered.
"Donnie, if we were in the same existence and I asked you out, what would you say?"

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfic"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...