(Your PoV)
Where am I?
The bustling noise told you that you were in a city, with nothing but your clothes, a jacket, and backpack.
It was so noisy. And your back hurt. Maybe because you had been sleeping on the floor overnight?
How did I get here?
You stood up stiffly and stretched your back. The city was bustling with noise.
You were in a dark alley. It was quieter in the alley, but it gave you an unsettling feeling anyway.
You got up and started to walk. Your foot hit something, and you paused.
It was a sewer cover. On it, it said NYC.
So you were in New York.
But...you didn't live in New York.
You'd heard all the terrible stories about New York City, and you shivered. You didn't want to have to deal with muggers and thieves and homeless people.
You lifted the cover of the sewer and went in.
You'd heard about alligators--or was it crocodiles?--living in sewers, but you didn't believe that. The water was too shallow, and there wasn't anything for an alligator to eat anyhow.
But the most important thing about the sewers was that no one would find you or bother you there.
A little while after walking into the sewers--which were surprisingly clean and dry (at least, more than one would expect)--you heard voices.
Voices? Down here? In the sewers?
They didn't sound particularly menacing, but, well, you never know.
You crept up to where you heard the voices and flattened yourself against the wall as best as you could, trying to be as quiet as possible.
You heard the voices before you saw them.
"I'm gonna kill you--"
(Scratch what you said before about them not sounding menacing.)
"You can't win, Leo!"
"We'll see about that, Donnie--"
Nearby, you also heard the sounds of a video game or something. Then someone screamed, "MIKEY!" followed by the sounds of rapid footsteps, like maybe someone was running.
You peered around the corner and sucked in a breath.
Holy cow.
Mutant, human-ish turtles.
What is it called, anthropomorphism?
You were fascinated and also kind of creeped out. You counted four turtles. One with a red bandana was chasing a smaller one in an orange bandana and yelling threatening things. Two more in purple and blue bandanas were sitting on the couch, staring at a TV--playing--video games?!
And then.
You must have whispered "holy cow" out loud, because all of a sudden, everyone's heads turned toward me. The room went quiet.
And then the turtle with the red bandana screamed, "Get her!"
You turned and ran.
You didn't know where exactly you were running, but you were hoping to find the ladder and the sewer grate.

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfiction"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...