8 - Unexpected Savior

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After a while, you and the turtles began to head back to the lair. However, since the city was so weirdly quiet and deserted at night, Leo suggested that he and his brothers not go back using the rooftops. You were pretty sure this suggestion had a little-okay, a lot-to do with you, and you were grateful to Leo either way. Even if Mikey was a little disappointed.

On the way back, however, you guys ran into some...activity, let's say.

You guys already pretty much stuck to the shadows, so it didn't take long for Leo to completely quiet everyone down.

Some thugs were trying to break into some building-a bank, probably.

"Oh no, not them again," Mikey muttered. Apparently he recognized the thugs.

"Alright," Leo began. "Raph and I will confront them head on, and Donnie and Mikey will circle around and block them from behind. F/n, you stay here."

"Why am I always stuck with Mikey?" Donnie complained. "I can confront them head on too!"

"No, you can't," Raph said matter-of-factly. "The point is to intimidate them, Donnie, not make them laugh so hard they pee their pants."

"I would not make them laugh! I can be intimidating too!" Donnie protested.

"Sure. You just keep telling yourself that, Donatello. Whatever makes you sleep at night," Raph said mockingly.

"Guys! Focus!" Leo snapped.

Eventually, they begin to go their ways.

You watched boredly for a moment, considering following Leo's instructions. You glanced around, your eyes landing on an empty glass bottle a few feet away. You frowned, going to pick it up. Some people are just inconsiderate-litter? Really?

However, the bottle was away from the shadows, a fact you failed to realize until after you'd already stepped out.

"Well, what do we have here, boys?" a voice sneered. You froze.

"F/n, what are you doing?! Get away!" Leo hissed.

You looked up.

The thugs were much closer to you than they had previously seemed. Leo and Raph were on the sides, not quite in lighted view of the thugs and not quite in front of them-apparently, they were waiting for Donnie and Mikey to get into position before confronting them.

The thugs had failed to notice Leo and Raph and were closing in on you.

"Get away from me," you said. Your voice came out squeakier and less tough than you wanted it to.

"Aw, that's so cute," one of the thugs cooed. "Tell you what: you can pay us to get away from you. We'll give you a discount for you, sweetheart." The way he said "sweetheart" made it feel like something unpleasant was crawling down your back, and you were severely creeped out.

"How much is the discount?" you asked, pretending to consider the offer.

The thugs were even closer now, and you figured they were within striking range.

The guy who seemed to be in charge had just been about to answer when you smashed the glass bottle into his face.

He swore loudly. The glass bottle shattered and cut his face up a little, but unfortunately, he seemed to have a thick skull and was still standing.

Oh, come on! You mentally kicked yourself angry. Now you didn't have anything to defend yourself with.

"Changed my mind about the discount," he growled, moving closer. "Get her!"

You glared at him, kicking him in between his legs. He practically whimpered, but didn't collapse like you hoped he would, and you tensed, trying to figure out your next move. This guy seemed weirdly invulnerable to stuff normal people couldn't withstand. Maybe you should kick him again?

Then you saw a blur of green, and a flash of red.

In a fairly short while, all of the thugs had been knocked unconscious, and Raph was standing there. His hands were on his hips, and he was studying you with what almost looked like...concern? You blinked at him, suddenly aware that you were trembling. Apparently, you were more afraid than you'd thought you'd been.

"Raph!" Leo hurried up. "You-oh." He apparently noticed the unconscious bodies. "Well then."

"You're welcome," Raph replied, as if he was talking to Leo, but he was still looking at you like he was worried about you.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked you.

"Pretty much," you said, a little shakily. "Did you recognize those guys?"

"The Purple Dragons. Nasty people, but not fantastic fighters," Leo informed you. "Are you sure you're okay? You're, uh...shaking."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You tried to wave off Leo's concern. "Just...startled, I guess."

"Well, let's get you back to the lair," Leo decided. "Can you walk alright?"

"Yeah. I'm not that badly hurt." You began to follow Leo. Mikey and Donnie came from the other side.

"What happened?" Donnie asked.

"The Purple Dragons noticed F/n, so Raph-" Leo started to answer.

"-jumped in and went POW-POW-POW! on them?" Mikey finished. Leo nodded in confirmation.

"Typical," Donnie grumbled.

"It's not like that's a bad thing," you protested on Raph's behalf. "He did it to save me."

Realization struck you, and you turned around to look at Raph, who was bringing up the rear.

"What?" Raph snapped, but didn't sound quite as fierce as usual.

"You...saved me."

"Yeah, I did. So what? Leo would've had my hide if I let the Purple Dragons attack innocent civilians," Raph responded.

You stared at him a moment longer, trying to figure him out.

He'd saved you. Which meant...he cared about you, right? Or at least, cared about whether you were hurt or not. But he seemed like he hated you. And yet, he was kind of being both humble and trying to say "I don't care," by blaming it on Leo.

"Why are you still staring at me?" Raph asked harshly. "Let's go."

"Thank you," you replied, then turned and caught up with his brothers.

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