19 - Where Did the ̶P̶̶a̶̶r̶̶t̶̶y̶ Pizza Go?

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"[F/N]?" Raph's voice broke through your cloudy mind. You opened your eyes, shut them again, and then opened them more slowly. Raph's concerned face hovered nearby. He was sitting in a chair next to your bed.

"...how long have you been there?"

"Just got here," Raph replied. "How do you feel?"

"Why is this the second time in less than a week that I've gotten beat up," you groaned. It still felt like there was a fog floating through your mind, clogging up your brain and thoughts.

Raph cracked a relieved smile in response. "I guess you just have a talent for it, huh? You're like a magnet for getting beat up."

"Thanks. You're a real friend." You propped yourself up with your elbow. Miraculously, you didn't seem to be too damaged.

"I, uh..." You waited as Raph struggled to find the words he wanted to say. Finally, he said, "Donnie said it's not too bad, mostly just bruising. He said it might be best not to work, though."

You suspected that wasn't what he had been about to say, but you rolled with it. "Oh, heck no. I already missed work once; I'm going."

"That doesn't exactly seem safe," Raph protested.

"Blah," you responded, rolling your eyes. "It's safer than being in your presence."

The corners of his mouth twitched. "Is that a compliment or an insult?"

"Who's to say it's not both?" You rubbed your head. It still sort of hurt. Vaguely, you wondered if you should have said that, and decided not to dwell on it. "Besides, I'm going to guess you and your brothers have done way more dangerous things than go to work with a few bruises."

"How did you-"

"You guys fight really well. It makes me think you've had some experience fighting." You shrugged. "I'm assuming the same applies to your girlfriend?"


You hadn't realized how much you had wanted Raph to deny that she was his girlfriend, until he didn't.

Raph fiddled with his thumbs. "Listen, I'm...uh, for what it's worth, Mona's sorry for attacking you."


"Mona Lisa? My girlfriend?" He arched an eyebrow at you, confused at your confusion. "We were just talking about her."

It took a moment longer than it should have, (which you decided probably wasn't a good thing), but a fuzzy memory surfaced: Raph's girlfriend, kneeling down next to you, introducing herself and apologizing. Then a blank.

"She seems cool," you declared with a snort.

"She is," Raph replied defensively.

It was your turn to raise an eyebrow at Raph. "Is that what you look for in a girl? Someone who attacks your friends?"

"What-I didn't-that's not what I-no!" Raph sputtered. You took an unfair sort of satisfaction in this answer.

"Look," Raph said when he'd recovered himself. "Mona Lisa is a Salamandrian."

"A what now?" you asked.

"A Salamandrian," Raph repeated, and for confirmation, he added, "An alien species."

"You're dating an alien?" This was kind of getting weird. Aliens existed?

Well, the turtles existed too. Why not?

"How did you even meet her?"

"We went to-you know what, that's not important right now. What I was saying is, for Salamandrians, an open hand, like this-" He mimicked the action you had made earlier with his own hand. "-is the signal for attack."

"Huh," you remarked.

"So she thought you were planning to attack her," Raph concluded.


There was an awkward silence.

"I mean...understandable, I guess," you said. "But still kinda..." You made a so-so motion with your hand.

"Yeah...I get it." Raph stared down at his hands again. "I'm...I'm sorry too."

You blinked at him. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because Mona Lisa attacked you!"

"It's not your fault," you snorted dismissively.

"I should have stopped her sooner! I-"

"You stopped her from doing worse, Raph." You gave him a tired smile, leaning back again. "That's enough."

He stared at you-no, more like through you. "But you got hurt. I should have told her-"

"Raph." You reached out and poked his face. Raph flinched, finally looking at you.

"It's not your fault," you repeated. "You stopped her before she could really hurt me, and I'm really glad you did. You're...you're a good friend." You were too tired to be your usual snarky self. "Besides," you added. "If you feel responsible for her actions, then...she's not really a good girlfriend, is she?"

Raph swallowed. "I guess you're right."

"Can I get that on recording?" you asked playfully.

Raph smirked. "Only if I can get 'you're a good friend' on recording."

"Listen, I'm tired-"

"Are you guys done talking yet?" a new voice broke in.

Leo was leaning against the door, watching you and Raph banter with amusement on his face.

Raph looked up, his typical grumpy expression crossing his own face. "I thought you were helping Mona move her things in."

Leo shrugged. "She said she didn't need help after the first few items." He looked your way and gave you an encouraging smile. "Hey, [F/N]. How're you feeling?"

"Meh. Okay," you shrugged.

"I hope you don't mind, but we had to give your room to Mona Lisa. It was hers first."

"Mmkay." You nodded.

"So I guess that means you'll be sleeping on the couch now," Leo stated. "Unless you wanna stay here."

"The couch is fine," you agreed.

Leo paused for a moment. His eyes darted between you and Raph calculatingly. Then, with a slow grin, he added, "Or, you know, you could share a room with Raph-"

"NO!" You and Raph both shouted simultaneously.

Leo chuckled in a satisfactory manner. Generally, you thought Leo was a pretty chill dude, but man, he had his evil moments.

"Leo, what the shell is wrong wi-"

"[F/N]'s awake?!" Mikey barged into the infirmary, carrying...food items. "[F/N]! We saved you a slice AND I made some get-well-soon noodles for you!!"

"Hey wait, I didn't get any pizza! Where's my slice?" Raph demanded.

"Actually..." Leo frowned. "I don't think I got pizza either. Did Donnie get any?"

"Um...heheh," Mikey smiled nervously.

"Did you eat most of the pizza?!" Raph barked.

"I'll, uh..." Mikey started scooting towards the door. "On second thought, I'll be outside..."

"Mikey," Raph growled warningly. Mikey yelped and ran out. Raph immediately chased him, followed closely by Leo.


You shook your head in amusement, smiling. Then you realized something and groaned.

"...Mikey took my food with him."

Looks like you'd have to join the chase.

a/n: aw yeah monthly update *dabs* fun fact, i wrote this last month. i'm on spring break soon, so hopefully i'll be able to write more. fun fact #2, the chapter title lowkey references a fall out boy song. as always, i hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! :)

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