13 - It's a Trap

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"Morning," you greeted as you slid into the kitchen, finding the turtles up as well, and having breakfast.

"Good morning, [F/N]," Leo greeted back.

"GOOOOOD MORNING [F/N]!!!" Mikey shouted enthusiastically.

"So...what are you guys doing today?"

"What we usually do, probably," Donnie offered. "I'm going to go to my lab, Leo is going to watch Space Heroes or read comics, Mikey is going to...do whatever it is he does...and Raph is going to punch things until they break."

"Hey!" Raph defended himself. "I do other things besides punch things until they break!"

"Sure," Donnie said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to punch you until you break," Raph growled, and leapt across the table to chase Donnie.

"Wow," you commented, watching in faint amusement as Donnie ran away. "Does this happen a lot?"

"Yes," Leo admitted. "But it's usually Mikey, not Donnie."

"Sometimes it's you, Leo," Raph snarled, while pinning Donnie down. Donnie looked on the verge of panicking.

"Can we try not to fight before breakfast?" Leo pleaded. "Especially when we have a guest?"

Raph grunted, but let Donnie up, and Donnie let out a sigh of relief.

"So...you guys don't go to school," you reconfirmed.

Donnie shrugged. "We're always allowed to do some independent learning online, if we like."

"Some of us do it more than others," Raph added, subtly glancing at Mikey.

"What should I do, then?"

"Well, you're welcome to do whatever you want," Leo said. "You can join us in our activities, too, if you want."

"Does that mean I can train with you guys?"

Leo smiled and winced at the same time. "Well—"

"—of course you can," Raph interjected.

You looked at him, suspicious at his sudden change in attitude. He smiled innocently. Or attempted to smile innocently, at least. It was more of a smirk, and it is impossible to smirk with innocence.

"Raph..." Leo began.

"Why not let her try, right, Leo? We can teach her, right?" Raph was smirking more fully now.

You pressed your lips together. This was probably a trap of some sort that was intended to embarrass you. You considered backing out, but you wanted to train, and it looked like you might get it. You weren't about to let Raph intimidate you into not doing it.

"Sounds great," you agreed. "When do we start?"

Leo's PoV (surprise!!)
Leo was having a hard time figuring out who the heck [F/N] should spar with first.

After their usual training, which [F/N] had watched with interest, it had finally come time for [F/N] to try training. Leo had immediately ordered that they all put their weapons away, but even so, the turtles had all had 16 years of training, and unless [F/N] had experience she wasn't telling him, there was pretty much no one she could match any of them.

Definitely not Raph, though.

Leo considered himself briefly. He was still one of the best fighters out of the turtles — not to brag or anything. That left Mikey and Donnie...and he didn't actually know how good they were compared to normal people, since they'd never sparred against normal people. He didn't want [F/N] to get hurt, and while Mikey was a far less strategic fighter than Donnie, which would theoretically make him the worst fighter, he was also a lot more reckless than Donnie and more likely to accidentally hurt [F/N], which...

"Ugh," he groaned out loud. He rubbed his forehead.

"Did you decide yet?" [F/N] asked boredly.

"You know what? You can decide," Leo gave up. "Just don't pick me or —"

"Pick me," Raph offered, grinning in a slightly worrying way.

[F/N] raised her eyebrows.

"Any other volunteers?" she asked, looking at Mikey and Donnie.

Mikey and Donnie both gave less than enthusiastic responses.

"I don't really want to fight you, dudette," Mikey admitted.

Leo began to worry. [F/N] was plenty smart. Surely she wouldn't pick —

"Well, I guess it's Raph, then," [F/N] announced.

Leo sank his head into his hands. Oh no, no, no...

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