A/N: Okay, guys! This is not an actual part of the story; it's just the first time while I was writing Chapter 10, it took off on a TOTALLY RANDOM tangent 'cause I didn't know where I was going with it. Anyway, it ended up kind of amusing and, like the title says, it breaks the Fourth Wall, so I thought I'd share it with you guys while I work on the next chapter! I started it from the last part it shares in common with the current version of Chapter 10. So here it is...the first draft of Chapter 10! Enjoy! :D
"What are you guys doing?" you asked. And how is this tree growing without any sunlight? And — do they even have clean water here?
"Oh! This is just the training room," Leo explained.
This was not the real question you wanted answered. "Why is there a tree here? And how is it growing without any sunlight? And what are you watering it with?!"
"What! Don't ask that!" Raph groaned. "You'll make Donnie—"
Donnie popped out of nowhere, beaming. "WELL, I'M GLAD YOU ASKED, [F/N]!! You see, the tree grows because I'm awesome and smart and so I can get a tree to grow!! Plus, this is a cartoon, so screw logic!"
"What do you water it with?!" you asked, getting a little worried. "It—it's not sewer water, is it?!"
"ActUAlLy, iT iS!!" Donnie exclaimed. "Y'see, the sewer water actually works SUPER WELL, because it's like FERTILIZER and NORMAL WATER combined in one!"
"Like the two-in-one shampoo-conditioner thing April has for her hair?" Mikey asked, re-entering the room.
"YES, MIKEY, EXACTLY LIKE — wait, how did you know that she has that?" Donnie asked, his nerdy excitement from getting to explain how he managed to make a tree grow underground fading.
Mikey shrugged. "Sometimes she leaves bottles here and I forget to read the labels until after I drink them," Mikey said.
"Why would she leave bottles here?" Leo asked, at the same time Raph asked, "Well, how do you know, Donnie?" and the same time Donnie conveniently ignored the question by yelling with [F/N], "YOU WHAT?!"
Mikey shrugged again in response.
"Mikey, shouldn't we—like—what do you guys do when you need to go to the hospital? Do you guys have your own hospital?" [F/N] asked, but was promptly ignored.
"Also, what's fertilizer?" Mikey asked.
"Well, y'see, it's made of—" Donnie started to whisper in Mikey's ear.
"NO, NOT THAT," Raph shouted. "DON'T BRING THAT BACK."
"Guys, guys, guys — we are getting waaaayyy off track here. I think the author's write-whatever-comes-to-mind strategy isn't working, or else her attention span is just really low tonight." Leo stared at the camera. "Hey, Author, can we—can we please rewind that whole thing and redo it?"
"ABSOLUTELY," the author yelled through the director's megaphone that cartoons always give directors. She has no idea if directors actually have megaphones, though. Is that another cartoon thing?
"You're—you're still rambling," Leo noted.
"Okay, okay, FINE. I'm GETTING TO IT—" The author reached over to turn the nonexistent camera off.

Don't Make Me Fall For You | Raphael x Reader
Fanfiction"Aha! So you are soft! I knew it!" You poked him in the middle of the shell. "What-no! That's not what I meant-" "You act like you're this macho tough guy, but really you're just a soft teddy bear," you teased, booping him on the nose. "Shut up," Ra...