16 - Space Heroes

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You'd called in and told them you couldn't work because of your ankle, so instead you were relaxing on the couch. Your ankle was better, but still not quite healed. You had your leg propped up on the couch while you absentmindedly flipped through cartoons. You wouldn't be training with the others for a while, and you didn't want to make it worse by watching them.

You paused briefly on a TV show called—

"Space Heroes? Really?"

You yelped and fumbled with the remote, nearly dropping it.

Raph chuckled from behind the couch, then hopped over and seated himself next to you. "Honestly, it's amusing to see how many times I can sneak up on you. This is like, what, the fourth?"

"Shouldn't you be at training?"

Raph shrugged. "They asked me to leave. Apparently I was too aggressive."

"I'm not surprised," you snorted.


You changed the topic. "So what's the deal with Space Heroes?"

Raph rolled his eyes. "Lameonardo's obsessed with it."

"So...just because your brother likes it, it's lame?"

"You catch on quickly."

"That can't be the only reason why it's lame," you protested.

Raph shrugged. "Well, it's just a stupid show. Captain Ryan is a crap leader." 

"I don't believe it."

"See for yourself," he gestured toward the TV, turning up the volume.

You watched, and okay. He was right.

"So, whaddaya think?" Raph raised an eyebrow, expecting you to tell him how correct he was.

"Uh..." you fumbled for a good response.

"You guys are watching Space Heroes?!" Leo burst into the room like a tornado. You jumped, for a moment feeling like you were in trouble, and then noting Leo's expression. He looked like he'd just gotten a million dollars. 

"They're watching Space Heroes?" Mikey echoed, game for any TV show. He leapt over the couch from behind and landed between you and Raph. "Cool, dudes!! I wanna watch too!! D, come watch with us!!"

"No thanks, Mikey," Donnie declined politely, entering the room with much less energy than Mikey and Leo. "I have some work to do in the lab."

"Aw, c'mon, Don, please??"

"Weren't you guys just training?" Raph cut in, irritation evident in his voice. "Shouldn't you get back to that?" 

"Well, yes, we were," Leo admitted. "And yes, we should get back to training—"

"I don't wanna train anymooorrreee!!" Mikey wailed, flinging himself onto the floor. "We've been training for a bazillion kajillion years!!! I wanna watch Space Heroes!!!"

Leo hesitated. "But—"

"Space Heroes!!!" Mikey repeated. "Spaaaaace Heroooooeeesss."

"What's more important, Leonardo?" Raph asked. "Training, or TV shows?"

Leo was incredibly conflicted. 

You glanced at Raph, and could see that he wanted the others to leave, so you began, "Hey, if you guys aren't using the training room anymore, I'll just go in there and—"

"NO!! No, no, no, you are not going to train with your foot the way it is," Leo corrected frantically.

"Well, somebody should be using it. My foot will be fine." You heaved yourself up off the couch. "Raph, wanna come?" 

Raph caught on. "Sure!" He hopped off the couch, and you two acted as if you were going to the training room.

"Raph!! [F/N], get back on the couch!!" 

"Nope." You kept going. "Somebody's gotta use that training room."

"And it's not going to be you! Mikey, Donnie, come on!!" Mikey grudgingly leapt up and went back to the training room along with Donnie.

"We're using it, so there's absolutely no need for you to go use it, you can sit back down now!!" Leo blurted out in a rush, and then he raced back to the training room too. 

You grinned slightly, turning back to the couch and plopping down.

"Not bad, [F/N]," Raph commented, matching your grin as he sat back down on the couch. Before you could process (and make fun of him) his complimenting you, he went on.

"So what were you saying about Space Heroes?" 

A/N: hey guys, sorry, it's been a really long time. school has been being a pain. also, I'm kinda starting to lose motivation for writing this story :( it's been a really long time since I watched TMNT (okay maybe just a few months but still) and i've sort of been trying to write more original stuff lately. i might actually end up discontinuing this, i hope not, but it's been getting more difficult to write. not really sure what i was doing with this chapter lol, i think i just wanted a fluffy not-very-plotful chapter here. anyways, i hoped you enjoyed it :) 

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