Prologue : First year

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A/n: Please make sure you have read the previous author note before continuing!Also, the beginning of this story may be a bit slow, plot wise, because I'm trying to make this more of a slow burn. But it's gets more interesting just before book two ;)

I hope you guys enjoy ❤️

Y/n's POV:

I took in a deep sigh, staring back out to the garden through the small window in my bedroom. Looking over the land, I took in the sun's waves, pin-pricking through the branches and leaves of the old oak tree and giving the room a certain golden glow of light. The lushious green grass the adorned the garden, grew a variety of flowers from Daisies to Dandilions.

Late summer was most definitely the most stunning season of all, I pondered.

My train of thought was soon interuppted however when the familiar voice of my mum called me downstairs. "Y/n you need to get up and ready now! Remember, we have to leave soon in order to get to the train station in time and we cannot be late to meeting the Weasley's!"

"Just a sec!" I called back.

That's right, I'll be meeting the infamous Weasley family today. It's all mum's been talking about for the past week after all, so how could I forget? You see, mum and Molly Weasley (or Prewett as she went by in school before she got married) where rather close friends during their time at Hogwarts.

They were also known to occasionally hand out with the Marauders alot and most especially my mum who hung out with them frequently. After they had completed their seven years at Hogwarts, they were still able to keep in touch regularly by owling eachother constantly.

But this got harder after time when Molly moved in with Arthur and as they both got into jobs, new marriages and eventually new families.

They obviously still managed to send a few letters back and fourth every year or so, and that's why my mum got to exited when she found one from Molly last week. And even more when she found out that her twin boys (Fred and George) would be starting the same year as I would.

The two women planned on meeting up at King's Cross Station at 9¾ to bid their children goodbye. They would also use this time to catch up and grab some Lunch together while their husbands looked after their other children.

I hurrily packed the last of my supplies and hastily grabbed my owl Y/o/n, who was still sitting in their cage calmly, before rushing down the stairs. I was greeted downstairs by the fireplace by my mum, dad and younger brother Felix.

He was quite upset to see me go as he wouldn't be able to go to Hogwarts himself for another two years. That was, if he possessed magic at all. Because my father was a Muggle and my mother was a witch, their families always grew concerned whether their children would contain magic or not.

I was able to show signs of magic relatively young so my parents where quick to figure that one out, but my younger brother hadn't so far. Although there was alot of pressure on him so show signs of magic soon and rather quickly, I tried to show him that my parents and I didn't care. He was still my brother and their son regardless.

"I'm really going to miss you darling! I wish I could wish you goodbye at 9¾ properly but you know my boss will fire me if I'm late again." My dad said before pulling me into a hug and wispering in my ear, "and just promise me you won't get caught doing any mischief, ok?" He then pulled away and shot me a quick wink before rushing out the door.

"Alright then, come along and hold my hands. You know what to do." My mum said before apparating my brother and I to a place hidden at King's Cross Station so we wouldn't be seen using magic infront of Muggles.

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