Chapter Twelve : The Date

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Y/n's POV:

And I bet you could imagine what I was doing the new few days of my life. I was back, spending my Saturday afternoon, nose in a book while desperately trying to figure out ways to destroy an 11 year old kid in a friendly game of Quidditch. You know... the usual.

My fingers ran over the many pages of 'Quidditch Through The Ages' as I tapped my quill against the ever growing ink stains on a plain piece of parchment. I was slowly growing more insane by the minute. Why was it that the only book on Quidditch the school had so completely useless? I sighed, dropping my quill down on the table and slammed the book shut. Ar son , I cursed under my breath. This was it. I was going to grab a kitchen knife and carve my way through this floor so that I could die peacefully before ever loosing a game against Gryffindor again.

"Woah! Everything alright here?"

I looked up to see Cedric, peering over at the random doodle pages and cluster fuck of books laying on the desk. He stood with his bag stung over his shoulder, wearing his signature yellow Quidditch jumper and blue jeans. His hair was a bit tossled, sticking out at random places and about as frantic as he seemed to be.

"Yeah, just trying to get some work done on Quidditch before next week's match." I said.

Thankfully, we weren't up against Gryffindor until later in the season, but there where still Ravenclaw and Slytherin to go through before then. And they where both crazy competitive.

"But that doesn't matter, I can always finish it later." I shrugged.

Cedric nodded, sitting down next to me. "Thanks again for helping out with this. I have absolutely no clue what I'm supposed to do for this bit..." He pulled out his Herbology textbook and flipped over to page 394, pointing at the side describing how to safely create a soil for a Mandrake.

"It's no problem. And it's pretty simple anyway, I'm sure I can help you with that." I said. I looked back up at him and his still very messy hair. "Hey, are you ok? You seem a bit..." I tried to look for the right word, "frazzled."

He coughed awkwardly to clear his throat. "Yeah, yeah." He shook his head. "I'm ok. I'm just..." He looked at me for a second, then back at the book layed out on the table, "...distracted." He finished.

"Okay..." I trailed off, scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion but eventually turning back to the textbook. "I think it's best if we started here-" I ran a nail over the first paragraph and got out my reference notes.

But a couple loose papers flew to the ground as I pulled out my stack of books, and as I reached down to grab them I subsequently bonked heads with Cedric. I quickly apologized, grabbing the papers as fast as I could with some of his help.

"Sorry." I mumbled again, internally kicking myself and cringing at my own actions. Merlin I was acting stupid.

"It's fine." Cedric let out a forced laugh and we continued.

Lucky for me, Cedric was a fast learner. Lord knows how he was failing Herbology, but thankfully he'd been able to learn what he needed to in a short amount of time with some help from me. And I was happy to see him get better at it, though I never claimed to be a good teacher.

And just as we had begun packing away our things, after making sure that Cedric had the import stuff written down of course, he turned to me. "Hey uh- I also wanted to thank you for sticking up for me in Potions earlier. I know you got in a bit of trouble for it and I wanted to make up for it in a way so..."

He pulled out something from his pocket and handed it to me. It was a pretty sunflower. The petals where a little wilted and it had a bit of dirt on it but I didn't really mind, feeling as if my heart was about to burst with joy instead.

Curtisy to my stunned silence, Cedric must have thought I didn't like it and rambled on a little. "I- I wasn't sure what to get you and I overhead you saying that you liked Sunflowers so I thought I'd get you one from the greenhouse. I don't know if-"

"I love it." I interuppted him. "I love Sunflowers! It's so sweet, thank you." I smiled so much my cheeks had begun to hurt, but I didn't care. I made sure to hug him extra tightly in appreciation. "Thank you." I said again.

Cedric returned the bright grin I had on my face. "Thank Merlin." He laughed. "I was so nervous that you wouldn't like it."

"I do, I really do!" I hugged him quickly one last time.

His face was a little red, and I could tell he tried his best to hide it. "It's no problem, really. It's a just a sunflower."

"Even if it is, I love it." I twirled the stem around in my hand, ignoring the dirt covering my fingers as I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

Cedric smiled. "I'm glad."


"Lynn!" I caught up to a figure in the hallway, gasping to catch my breath and leaning my hands on my knees. "Lynn," I repeated, "guess what."

"Y/n, I've been looking for you everywhere! How'd it go? What happened? I want all the details." They excitedly asked me, waiting with anticipation and almost jumping up and down in excitement.

I placed my hand on their shoulder, taking another second to catch my breath before exhaling. "It went really well, I'll explain in a second I just wanted to say thank you."

They grinned. "What did I tell you? You should listen to me more often."

"Yeah, yeah." I shook it off with a wave of my hand. "Whatever."

"Not whatever!" Lynn shreaked as I tried my best to shush them. "You just went on a date with Cedric Diggory!"

I lightly punched them in the arm. "It was not a date!"

"Oh it's sooo was."

"Was not."


"Was. Not."

"Ok, if it wasn't a date, then what's that flower you've got? Did you pick it yourself or did someone else get it for you?" Lynn wiggled thier eyebrows, already knowing the answer.

I stared down at the sunflower still in my hands and quickly hid it behind my back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking abouttt..." They quickly snatched the plant from behind me, "this sunflower. It seems like something Cedric would get you, we all know Daisies are your real favourite."

I snatched it back from them and shoved it in my pocket. "I prefer sunflowers."

They crossed their arms, shooting me a look. "Suuure."

"Ugh whatever, you're not getting the details now." I huffed.

They fake gasped, completely appalled. "How dare you! You know I can't possibly live without knowing every single detail about your life."

My stomach suddenly dropped. "Yeah, me too." I mumbled.

"Hey," the said, noticing my change in pace, "you ok?"

I still don't know what happened with you and Bruno. I wanted to tell them, We have never once lied to eachother, so why are you now? Did I do something to hurt you? Was it me? They where my best friend and I wanted to respect their privacy, but the question was slowly eating me up inside. They where acting weird and I didn't like it, not one bit.

"Yeah." I shook the feeling of distain in my chest, forcing a smile and linking my arm in with theirs.

"Let's go."

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