Chapter Twenty Seven : On With A Bang

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Y/n's POV:

"No bloody way-"

"I'm not kidding, it's true!"

"And you're serious?"

"Yes I'm serious!" I exclaimed, "we bet on this, remember? I was going to spend those precious galleons on some books - I'm not planning to have my dreams go to waste."

Lynn shook their head in disbelief. "I still need to hear it for myself."

"Fine," I mumbled begrudgingly, "choose not to believe me."

They did everything but respond, strolling over to the Gryffindoor table arms down and hopes high. Already suspiciously eyeing George for any signs of a brightness to his expression, they sat down, arms crossed, meaning nothing but business.

"Uh oh, what did you do?" Fred teased, the first to notice Lynn's piercing gaze, "you didn't touch Lynn's books - did you?"

"What? No, I-" George stammered, confused, eyes slowly leering from his plate to the person sitting in front of him before realising what Fred had ment.

George shifted awkwardly in his chair, possibly from the awkwardness, maybe even out of fear. Lynn was not one to be messed with.

"Well?" Lynn quizzed, "did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Don't act stupid."

"I didn't do anything stupid, I haven't planned a prank in days, I-"

"What they meant to ask was," I sighed, "if you have asked Angelina out yet?"

"Oh," George responded, cheeks slightly flushed, "yeah, I did."

I grinned at his response, holding out my hand to Lynn as I took my time to admiring the defeated look on their face. "Pay up."

They lowered their head, sighing, grabbing a tiny bag from their pocket and handing me the amount. My smile only grew as I counted the galleons in my palm before stuffing it into my pocket.

"Do I even dare ask what this is about?"

I shifted to see Cedric join us at the table, smiling at the group. I felt my chest tighten just slightly.

"The usual bet," Lee chimed in, "Y/n won."

I had come to a sort of realisation over the time I had spent away from Hogwarts.

It was easy to admit to myself now that Cedric wouldn't have worked out. As close as we where, and as well as we got along, we both had begun to slowly realise how we just weren't right for eachother.

I was a bit more of a wild child that I would care to admit, sneaking out past hours to pull pranks with the boys, or to run to the kitchen. I would stand up for myself and others when things didn't seem fit, even at the cost of trouble. I had this fierce loyalty within me that I was sure Cedric had, but not to the same extent.

And although Cedric was perfectly brave himself and could definitely be headstrong at times, he preferred to do everything in his power to what he believed was right thing - following rules and being the best at everything that he could be, even if the extent was himself. He was a goody-to-shoes to say the least - a people pleaser, and I don't think he would have much appreciated my trouble maker side.

We where opposites, but not in the way that it may have worked for some people - or even they way it did with my parents. He needed someone who was calmer, someone rational and at ease with the world. And I needed the same, someone to steady me - but also someone who had my back with all my craziness, and would always be by my side no matter the repercussions. Which in some ways, Cedric was not.

And I think short the time we had apart might have been good for us to realise this, and begin to learn how to finally get over eachother.

"I can see that," Cedric chuckled, noticing the gleeful look I now displayed. I was already planning the list of books I wanted to spend my precious earnings on. 

And as it occurred almost every night, Dumbledor walked on up to the stadium. Within seconds, the entire hall fell silent at his command. My friends and I quickly noticed the soft grin he had on his face, it being quite different from his normally commanding look, shooting eachother exited glances as we all knew Dumbledor had some exiting news to share.

And soon enough, he began.

"It has been decided, on this being one of the most difficult years our students have had to face so far- ," with the upcoming war we all presumed, "that we will be hosting a new years ball in honour of all your hard work."

An array of excitement fell across the students, people ecstatic simply at the idea of the first Hogwarts ball in over a decade.

Dumbledor chucked, "yes, yes, we are all well aware of how exciting this event will be for everyone. But as things still need to be met in order for the preparations to proceed, this event will begin a month from today. I hope this will give you all plenty time to decide on your ideals. Now may dinner be served."

And with his words and the slight flick of his hand, the usual feast appeared. Each table got its own spread of breads and soups, pies and roasts - all of us happy to indulge in the delicacies.

But I wasn't quite sure I would be able to eat as much as I normally had - because after the announcement, I was giddy with excitement. I wasn't usually one for big social engagements, especially when it was going to be more than just one year, but the idea of a ball had seemed fun. It was just the thing all of us seemed to need.

Oliver's POV:

It was almost out of instinct, like a reflex, what I did. It was unusual for me to feel this way, especially because just months ago I would have scoffed at the thought.

But for the first in a while I had felt... exited.

Definitely not for the first time, I had experienced the feeling many times when I playing, or even just thinking about Quidditch. But this was a change. And a big, unexpected one at that.

Because my first reaction was not to grimace, or to turn to my friends to see if they had just heard the exact same exact news, but rather to someone I hadn't even talked in weeks.

So as I turned to look at Y/n, I could have sworn I felt my heart stop. Her joy was evident in the lower of her brows and the small scrunch of her nose. And her eyes... spirits- her eyes. A gorgeous summertime green, looking almost as if the sun itself was trapped in her longing gaze. It grew a noticeable twinkle as she smiled, and then only continued to grow brighter as she laughed. It was almost as if she was glowing pure sunshine.

But I quickly caught on, only letting my eyes linger just a little longer as I turned my head and when it hurt to look back. I swallowed the familiarly odd sensation in my chest and glared at my plate, sighing.

Really, her? I had thought, now?

My heart had some real nerve doing this to me. 

A/n: Hey guys, long time no see!

Admittedly this is one of my shorter chapters, and probably one of my more boring ones, but I really hope you guys will stick with me for the rest of this - I have some great ideas planned!

I promise you won't regret it, (I hope.)

And I love to read and interact with each and everyone one of you guys so comments are always appreciated and definitely never unwelcome xx

Either way, if I don't get to say this at any other time, happy holidays to everyone and a wonderful new year!! I'm so proud of all of you <33

See you guys next chapter and hope you have a great week/weekend :D

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